
Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Fitting What to Expect img

Hearing Aid Fitting: What to Expect

Embarking on the journey towards crystal-clear hearing with Audi Hearing is a pivotal moment in reclaiming the richness of the world’s symphony. The initial step, fitting for a hearing aid, might seem daunting, but with the right information and expectations, it becomes an exciting milestone towards improved auditory experiences.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Personalised Fitting: Each hearing aid fitting is tailored to your unique hearing profile, ensuring comfort and optimal auditory enhancement.
  • Technology and Tuning: Modern aids come with advanced features that are fine-tuned to your lifestyle and hearing needs.
  • Ongoing Support: Audi Hearing provides continuous care and adjustments to ensure your hearing aids perform at their best.

Navigating through the process of getting your first hearing aid can be a whirlwind of emotions and questions. What’s going to happen? Will it be uncomfortable? How will it change my daily life? The journey begins with a comprehensive hearing test a crucial first step that lays the groundwork for everything that follows. This test isn’t just about identifying hearing loss; it’s about understanding your unique auditory profile to tailor a hearing solution that fits perfectly into your life. Let’s break down this journey, starting with the hearing test, to see how it leads to a world of clearer sound.

The Process:

Assessment and Selection: Your journey begins with a comprehensive hearing evaluation conducted by skilled audiologists, who operate within the strict regulation of audiology standards to ensure the highest level of care and ethics. This initial step isn’t just about finding out what you’re missing, but also about understanding how you live, work, and play within the framework of these professional guidelines. Our aim is to pair you with the most suitable tech marvels, meticulously selected and adjusted following regulatory standards, that not only bring back the sounds you’ve been missing but also fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

  • Customisation and Comfort: Getting the fit right is crucial, not just for comfort but also for effective sound delivery. This begins with a detailed hearing aid selection process, where we consider not only the shape and size of your ear but also your specific hearing needs, lifestyle, and preferences. We take an impression of your ear, ensuring that your device fits like a glove. Our comprehensive selection process allows us to match you with the perfect hearing aid, ensuring that it not only feels comfortable but also enhances your hearing experience in every aspect of your life.
  • Tech Setup and Tuning: Next, we enter the realm of digital precision, customising your device’s settings based on your hearing test results. Modern hearing aids are akin to mini supercomputers, and we make sure yours is tuned to perfection.
  • Real-World Adjustment: Adjusting to your new hearing aid is a journey. We’ll guide you through how to use and care for your device, ensuring you’re confident in managing settings for different environments.
  • Follow-Up Care: Your relationship with Audi Hearing doesn’t end when you walk out the door. We’re here for regular check-ups, maintenance, and any adjustments you need.

The Audi Hearing Difference

At Audi Hearing, we believe that fitting a hearing aid is more than just a technical procedure; it’s a personal journey to rediscovering the joy of sound. Here’s what makes our approach stand out:

Tailored to You:

Our audiologists don’t just look at the numbers; they listen to you. Understanding your daily routines, challenges, and expectations allows us to custom-fit not just the device but the entire hearing solution to your life, incorporating a suite of hearing services tailored to your individual needs. Whether it’s ensuring clarity in conversations amidst the bustling ambiance of noisy cafes, enhancing the subtle sounds of nature during your serene morning walks, or providing specific programs for listening to music with newfound depth and richness, our goal is to enrich every auditory experience.

Cutting-Edge Technology:

In the world of hearing aids, one size does not fit all. That’s why we offer a wide range of devices, from invisible in-canal aids to powerful behind-the-ear models, each equipped with the latest technology. Noise reduction, wireless streaming, and environment-specific settings are just the beginning.

Lifestyle Integration:

Your hearing aid should enhance your life, not complicate it. We focus on integrating your device seamlessly into your daily activities, whether that’s connecting directly to your smartphone or adjusting settings easily for a quiet evening at home or a lively family gathering.

Empowerment Through Education:

We believe knowledge is power. From your first consultation, we provide you with the resources and information you need to feel confident about your hearing health decisions. We offer  insights into how hearing works, how hearing aids can help, and what to expect as you adjust to your new device.

Unwavering Support:

Adjusting to a hearing aid comes with its set of challenges and questions. That’s why we’re committed to offering unparalleled post-fitting support. From troubleshooting issues to fine-tuning your device as your needs evolve, our team is always just a call or visit away.

Beyond the Fitting

The journey to improved hearing doesn’t end with the fitting of your hearing aid. It’s a path of continuous adaptation, learning, and enjoyment as you rediscover sounds long forgotten. Here’s what to expect as you move forward:

Adaptation Period:

Adjusting to your new hearing aid is a process. Initially, some sounds may feel too loud or unfamiliar. We guide you through this adaptation period, offering advice on how to gradually increase your wearing time and how to listen effectively. Your brain needs time to relearn how to process these sounds, and patience is key.

Maintenance and Care:

Taking care of your hearing aid is crucial for its longevity and performance. We provide you with all the tools and knowledge necessary for daily care and maintenance. This includes how to clean your device properly, when to change filters or batteries, and how to store it safely. Regular maintenance checks with us ensure your hearing aid continues to function perfectly.

Staying Active and Connected:

With your hearing aid fitting seamlessly into your life, we encourage you to engage in all the activities you love or have been missing out on. Whether it’s social gatherings, outdoor adventures, or simply enjoying music or television at home, your hearing aid is a bridge to a fuller, richer experience.

Feedback and Fine-Tuning:

Your feedback is invaluable in perfecting your hearing experience. As you become more accustomed to your hearing aid, we continue to fine-tune its settings based on your real-world experiences. This ongoing customisation process ensures that your device always meets your needs, no matter how they change over time.

A Community of Support:

At Audi Hearing, you’re part of a community. We offer workshops, support groups, and educational seminars to connect you with others on similar journeys. Sharing experiences and tips can be incredibly empowering and enlightening.

Embrace The Journey

As you embark on this exciting journey towards better hearing, remember that Audi Hearing is with you every step of the way. From the initial consultation to ongoing care, we are dedicated to ensuring your experience is nothing short of life-changing.


Embracing the world of auditory clarity with a hearing aid is a step towards enriching your quality of life. At Audi Hearing, we’re not just fitting devices; we’re tuning into your life, ensuring every moment is heard, felt, and fully experienced. If you’re ready to start this journey, get in touch with us. Let’s make sure every word, note, and laugh is brilliantly clear and wonderfully close.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically, the entire process from assessment to the final fitting can take a couple of hours, ensuring everything is perfectly tailored to your needs.

While there may be a brief adjustment period, modern devices are designed for comfort. Any initial discomfort usually fades quickly.

Absolutely. Once fitted, you'll be able to use your device immediately, though we recommend a gradual increase in usage as you adjust.

It varies. We recommend a follow-up visit after a month, but adjustments can be made as needed.

Give it some time for both your brain to adjust and for any necessary tuning. We're committed to ensuring it works for you.

With the right guidance, which we'll provide, maintenance is straightforward.

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Ear Health Tips for Everyday Care img

Ear Health: Tips for Everyday Care

At Audi Hearing, we understand the importance of maintaining optimal ear health for a sound quality of life. This guide is designed to provide you with practical advice for everyday ear care, ensuring your hearing remains sharp and your ears stay healthy. Dive into our expert tips and transform the way you think about ear health today.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Regular cleaning is essential, but avoid overdoing it.
  • Protect your ears from loud noises to prevent hearing damage.
  • Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet for ear health.
  • Exercise regularly to improve blood flow to your ears.
  • Schedule annual hearing check-ups with Audi Hearing.
  • Maintaining ear health is crucial for overall well-being and quality of life. Ears are delicate organs that require proper care to prevent issues such as hearing loss, infections, and tinnitus. Here are some everyday tips to keep your ears in top shape:

Regular Cleaning: A Gentle Approach

It’s important to keep your ears clean, but over-cleaning can lead to issues such as earwax buildup or infections. Use a damp cloth to gently wipe the outer ear. Avoid inserting cotton swabs or other objects into the ear canal, as this can push wax deeper and cause blockages. For more information on safe ear cleaning practices, visit HealthDirect Australia.

Noise Protection: Keep It Down

Exposure to loud noises can damage your hearing over time. When attending concerts, working with loud machinery, or even mowing the lawn, wear ear protection such as earplugs or earmuffs. For guidelines on protecting your hearing, check out the World Health Organization.

Hydration and Diet: Ear Health from the Inside Out

Staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet are key for maintaining the health of your ears. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamins C and E can support ear health. For dietary tips, explore resources at Better Health Channel.

Exercise: Boosting Ear Blood Flow

Regular exercise, such as walking or cycling, can improve blood flow to the ears, supporting their function and health.

Annual Check-Ups: Your Hearing’s Best Friend

Don’t forget to schedule annual hearing check-ups with a professional at Audi Hearing. Regular assessments can catch potential issues early, ensuring any problems are managed promptly. Visit our hearing assessments page to learn more.

The Science of Sound: Understanding Ear Health

The human ear is a complex system that not only enables us to hear but also plays a crucial role in balance and spatial orientation. Sound waves travel through the ear canal, causing vibrations in the eardrum. These vibrations are then transmitted through the ossicles to the cochlea, where they are converted into electrical signals that the brain interprets as sound. This delicate process underscores the importance of maintaining ear health to ensure the longevity of our hearing capabilities.

Environmental Factors and Ear Health

Our environment plays a significant role in our ear health. Pollutants and allergens can irritate the ear canal, leading to infections and discomfort. Moreover, the increasing noise pollution in urban areas can significantly impact our hearing over time. Implementing protective measures, such as wearing earplugs in noisy environments and using air purifiers to reduce indoor pollutants, can mitigate these risks.

The Role of Technology in Ear Care

In today’s digital age, technology offers innovative solutions for ear health management. Apps that monitor sound exposure levels can help individuals avoid environments that may be harmful to their hearing. Additionally, advancements in hearing aids and other auditory support devices have made significant strides in improving the quality of life for those with hearing impairments. Explore the latest in hearing technology on our hearing solutions page.

Mindfulness and Ear Health

Stress and anxiety can exacerbate conditions like tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing in the ears that can be both distracting and distressing. Practicing mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques can have a positive impact on ear health by alleviating the symptoms of tinnitus and improving overall well-being. Meditation, yoga, and deep-breathing exercises are excellent ways to reduce stress levels. For more on the connection between stress and ear health, visit Beyond Blue.

The Importance of Professional Care

While everyday care is essential for maintaining ear health, professional evaluation and treatment are crucial for addressing more serious conditions. Audiologists and ear specialists can provide comprehensive assessments, diagnose issues, and recommend treatment plans tailored to individual needs. Early detection and intervention can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems, preserving your hearing and quality of life.

Innovations in Ear Health Research

The field of otology, the study of the ear and its diseases, is constantly evolving. Recent research has focused on gene therapy for hearing loss, the development of more sophisticated cochlear implants, and the potential for regenerating damaged inner ear cells. Staying informed about these advancements can provide hope and options for those facing hearing challenges. For the latest research in ear health, the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders offers a wealth of information.

Community and Support

For many, navigating hearing loss or ear health issues can feel isolating. However, numerous communities and support groups offer resources, advice, and a sense of belonging to individuals and families affected by hearing loss. Sharing experiences and strategies for coping with ear health challenges can provide invaluable support.

Ear Health Across the Lifespan

Ear health is a lifelong journey. From protecting the delicate ears of newborns to addressing age-related hearing loss, each stage of life presents unique challenges and opportunities for ear care. Adopting a proactive approach to ear health, regardless of age, can ensure that our ears function effectively throughout our lives. For age-specific ear care tips, our Lifespan Ear Care guide offers comprehensive advice.


Maintaining ear health is an integral part of overall wellness. By incorporating these tips and strategies into your daily routine, you can safeguard your hearing and enhance your quality of life. Remember, ear health is not just about hearing; it’s about connecting with the world around us, communicating with loved ones, and experiencing life to its fullest. At Audi Hearing, we’re committed to providing you with the resources, care, and support you need to maintain optimal ear health at every stage of life.


The safest way to clean your ears is by wiping the outer ear with a damp cloth. Avoid inserting anything into the ear canal.

Wearing earplugs or earmuffs in noisy environments can protect your ears. For personalised advice, check out our Hearing Protection services.

Yes, a balanced diet rich in certain nutrients can support ear health. Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamins C and E are particularly beneficial. Dive into our Nutrition and Hearing Health section for more info.

We recommend annual hearing assessments to monitor your ear health effectively. Schedule your next check-up on our appointments page.

Indeed, regular exercise improves blood circulation, including to your ears, which can enhance their health and function.

Ear Health: Tips for Everyday Care Read More »

Tips for Flying with Hearing Aids img

Tips for Flying with Hearing Aids

Embarking on an aerial journey presents a unique set of considerations for individuals with hearing aids. At Audi Hearing, we understand the intricacies involved and are committed to ensuring your flight is as comfortable and hassle-free as possible. This article delves into practical advice to navigate the skies with your hearing devices, ensuring they remain as reliable companions from takeoff to landing.

Table of Contents

Travelling by plane doesn’t have to be a source of anxiety for those wearing hearing aids. With a bit of preparation and the right knowledge, you can make your flight experience smooth and enjoyable. Here, we share essential tips to assist you in managing your hearing aids effectively while flying.

Key Takeaways

  • Consult Your Audiologist: Before jet-setting, a check-up can ensure your devices are in top-notch condition.
  • Carry Extra Batteries or a Charging Case: Always be prepared for unexpected delays.
  • Know How to Manage Security Checks: Familiarise yourself with airport security procedures regarding medical devices.
  • Use a Drying Container Overnight: Airplane cabins can be dry, affecting your hearing aids.
  • Keep Your Devices On: Airplanes are equipped with T-coil loops; switch your hearing aid to the T-setting for clearer sound.

Navigating through airports and managing flights becomes a breeze with these pointers. For more in-depth guidance and support, our team at Audi Hearing is always ready to assist you.

Flying with Ease: A Guide for Hearing Aid Users

Travel can open up a world of experiences, but for those with hearing aids, it can seem daunting. Fear not, as with a touch of preparation, the world is your oyster. Here are some detailed tips to make flying a pleasant adventure:

  • Pre-Flight Preparations: Check in with your audiologist at Audi Hearing before you travel. They can ensure your hearing aids are in perfect working order and advise you on how to manage them during your trip. Additionally, exploring resources like travel tips for the hard of hearing can offer more comprehensive insights into preparing for your journey.
  • Packing Essentials: Remember to pack extra batteries or a charging case for your hearing aids. It’s also wise to bring a dehumidifier container to protect your devices from moisture.
  • During the Flight: Keep your hearing aids on to take advantage of the aircraft’s T-coil compatibility. This setting can enhance your listening experience by connecting directly to the plane’s communication system. Also, adjust your volume settings as needed to stay comfortable and aware of your surroundings.
  • Managing Security: Familiarise yourself with the Transport Security Administration (TSA) guidelines for travelling with medical devices. You’ll be pleased to know that hearing aids do not need to be removed during security screenings. 
  • Post-Flight Care: Once you’ve reached your destination, use a drying container overnight to mitigate any moisture buildup from the flight. This simple step can prolong the life and functionality of your hearing devices.

Enhance Your Flight Experience with Hearing Aids 

Embarking on a journey in the skies need not be daunting for hearing aid users. With the right preparation, you can enjoy a smooth and comfortable flight. Here’s how to enhance your experience:

Stay Informed

  • Flight Announcements: Ensure your device is set to a mode that optimally picks up announcements and conversations. Some hearing aids come equipped with settings that can help filter background noise, making it easier to hear important updates and instructions.
  • Entertainment Systems: Modern airplanes often include induction loops that work with the T-coil setting on your hearing aids. This can allow you to directly connect to the entertainment system, providing clearer sound directly to your ears.

Comfort and Care During the Flight

Air travel involves long periods of sitting in a pressurised cabin, which can sometimes affect both your ears and your hearing aids.

  • Pressure Changes: The rapid altitude changes during takeoff and landing can create discomfort in the ears, known as barotrauma. While this doesn’t directly impact the functioning of your hearing aids, the sensation can be unpleasant. Swallowing, yawning, or using earplugs designed for air travel can help equalise ear pressure and reduce discomfort.
  • Maintain Hygiene: Air travel can expose you to various environments, making it crucial to maintain cleanliness for both your ears and your hearing aids. Pack a cleaning kit and wipe your devices regularly to remove any build-up or debris.
  • Avoid Loss: Keep your hearing aids and accessories in a designated spot, such as a carry-on bag. It’s easy for small items to get lost amidst the shuffle of travelling, so having a specific, easily accessible place for your hearing aids can prevent mishaps.

After the Flight: Ensuring Ongoing Care for Your Hearing Aids

Once you’ve landed, there are a few steps you should take to ensure your hearing aids continue to function optimally during your trip:

  • Check for Moisture: After exposure to varied environments, including the dry air of a plane cabin, checking your hearing aids for moisture is essential. Use a drying kit or dehumidifier overnight to ensure no moisture has accumulated that could affect their performance.
  • Schedule a Check-up: If you’re on an extended trip, consider scheduling a check-up with a local audiologist, especially if you encounter any issues with your hearing aids during your flight. They can offer professional advice and assistance to ensure your devices remain in good working order throughout your travels.

Additionally, for those who require further assistance or are looking for more information on accessible travel options, exploring Australia’s Accessible Airlines can provide valuable insights into making your travel experience as smooth and comfortable as possible. This resource is particularly helpful for individuals with hearing aids, offering tips and advice on navigating airline travel with accessibility needs in mind.

Navigating Through Airports

Airports can be bustling, noisy places, making it challenging for individuals with hearing impairments to navigate effectively. Here are some tips to make your airport experience smoother:

  • App-Based Updates: Many airlines offer app-based updates for gate changes, flight delays, and more. These can be a handy complement to your hearing aids, ensuring you stay informed without needing to rely solely on auditory announcements.
  • Visual Alerts: Pay attention to visual information displays in airports. These can provide essential information about your flight and help you stay on track even in noisy, crowded areas. 
  • Travel Companions: If you’re travelling with others, ensure they’re aware of your hearing needs. They can assist in listening for announcements and communicating with airline staff if needed.

Audi Hearing: Your Partner in Travel

At Audi Hearing, we’re more than just a service provider; we’re your travel partner. Understanding the unique challenges faced by hearing aid users, we strive to offer resources, support, and advice to make your travel experiences as enriching and hassle-free as possible. Our website is a treasure trove of information, from managing your hearing aids on the go to troubleshooting common issues.

Leveraging Technology

In the digital age, numerous apps and devices can complement your hearing aids to make travel easier. From apps that transcribe speech in real time to those that provide visual or vibratory alerts for important notifications, technology can enhance your travel experience. Explore what’s available and consider incorporating these tools into your travel kit.


At Audi Hearing, we’re dedicated to ensuring your journey with hearing aids is as smooth as your flights. Whether you’re a seasoned traveller or gearing up for your first trip, our team is here to support you every step of the way. Should you have any concerns or need further assistance with your hearing aids, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Safe travels, and we look forward to being a part of your next adventure.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, hearing aids do not need to be removed during airport security checks.

Absolutely, and it's recommended to keep them on to use the T-coil feature if available on the plane.

Consider using a portable dehumidifier container overnight to keep your devices dry.

Carry a small cleaning kit and extra batteries or a charger. Adjust settings if needed, and if problems persist, consult with an audiologist upon landing.

The cabin pressure can affect your ears, but it shouldn't directly impact your hearing aids. If you experience discomfort, swallowing or yawning can help.

Tips for Flying with Hearing Aids Read More »

Can Hearing Aids Fix Tinnitus img

Can Hearing Aids Fix Tinnitus?

In the realm of hearing enhancement, the quest for solutions that blend seamlessly with one’s lifestyle while offering superior auditory support has led to remarkable innovations. At the forefront of these advancements, Audi Hearing prides itself on delivering state-of-the-art solutions tailored to individual needs. Among these, Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) hearing aids stand out for their discreet design and advanced technology, offering a seamless blend of comfort and clarity. This article delves into the world of IIC hearing aids, shedding light on their benefits, functionality, and why they might be the perfect choice for your hearing needs.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways: 

  • Hearing aids can significantly alleviate tinnitus symptoms by amplifying external sounds, thus making the internal tinnitus noise less noticeable.
  • Advanced features in hearing aids, such as sound masking and tinnitus therapy sounds, offer customised relief, making them a versatile tool in managing tinnitus.
  • A personalised approach, guided by an audiologist, is crucial in selecting the right hearing aid and features for individual tinnitus management needs.
  • Adaptation to hearing aids is a gradual process, with many users experiencing a noticeable improvement in both hearing and tinnitus perception over time.
  • Incorporating hearing aids as part of a broader tinnitus management strategy, including lifestyle adjustments and sound therapy, enhances overall effectiveness and quality of life.

Understanding Tinnitus and Hearing Aids

Tinnitus, a condition where individuals perceive ringing or other noises in the ears, can be more than just a nuisance; it can significantly affect people’s quality of life and enjoyment of life’s symphony. But here’s the good news: hearing aids have been identified as a potentially effective method to reduce the discomfort associated with tinnitus. By amplifying external sounds, hearing aids can make the internal noise less noticeable, providing a form of relief known as sound masking.

The Mechanism Behind The Magic:

  • Sound Enrichment: Hearing aids can enrich the auditory environment, reducing the contrast between tinnitus and silence, making tinnitus less noticeable.
  • Amplification: By amplifying ambient sounds, hearing aids can help distract the brain’s focus away from tinnitus.
  • Tinnitus-specific Features: Some hearing aids come equipped with features designed specifically for tinnitus relief, including noise generators and tinnitus masking sounds.

The Evidence Speaks Volumes

Research underscores the potential benefits of hearing aids in tinnitus management. Hearing aids can be particularly useful for people who have hearing loss alongside tinnitus. This dual approach not only addresses hearing impairment but also provides a form of sound therapy for tinnitus sufferers.

How Audi Hearing Can Help

At Audi Hearing, we’re committed to finding the right solution for your unique needs, incorporating modern conveniences like the online hearing test to streamline your journey to relief. Our range of hearing aids includes devices specifically designed for those experiencing tinnitus. From an initial consultation, which can begin with our accessible online hearing test, to ongoing support, our team is here to guide you through the process of finding relief.

Our Services Include:

  • Personalised Consultations: Tailoring solutions to your specific hearing profile and lifestyle.
  • State-of-the-Art Hearing Aids: Offering devices with advanced features for tinnitus management.
  • Ongoing Support: Ensuring you’re comfortable and satisfied with your hearing aid.


The Symphony of Sound: How Hearing Aids Harmonise with Tinnitus

Amplification: A Path to Clarity

The core functionality of hearing aids amplification plays a pivotal role in mitigating tinnitus symptoms. By enhancing environmental sounds, hearing aids help to drown out the internal cacophony of tinnitus. This increased auditory input can distract the brain, shifting focus away from the relentless ringing or buzzing, and towards the external, more pleasant sounds of daily life. This approach underscores the significance of employing trusted data in environmental decision-making processes, particularly in designing hearing aids that effectively combat the symptoms of tinnitus by leveraging the therapeutic potential of our auditory environment.

Customised Soundscapes: The Role of Advanced Features

Modern hearing aids are not just about amplification. They come equipped with an array of features designed to create a personalised listening experience. Sound masking, for instance, involves the use of white noise or other sounds to cover the frequencies of tinnitus, providing immediate relief for some users. Similarly, tinnitus therapy features offer tailored soundscapes that can retrain the brain’s auditory processing centers, reducing the perceived intensity of tinnitus over time.

The Evidence: What Research Tells Us

A body of research, supported by insights from the Australian Tinnitus Association, underscores the potential of hearing aids in tinnitus management. Studies have shown that the use of hearing aids, especially those with tinnitus masking features, can lead to significant improvements in the quality of life for those with hearing loss and tinnitus.

Navigating The Selection Process: Choosing the Right Device

Embarking on the journey to find the right hearing aid for tinnitus management can be daunting. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:

  • Consultation with an Audiologist: A thorough assessment by an audiologist is crucial. This will not only confirm the presence of tinnitus and any associated hearing loss but will also help in selecting a hearing aid that suits your specific condition and lifestyle.
  • Exploring Options: With a plethora of models and features available, understanding the differences and how they can benefit your particular form of tinnitus is key. Whether it’s a behind-the-ear model with advanced noise masking capabilities or an in-the-ear device that offers tinnitus therapy sounds, the right choice depends on your individual needs and preferences.
  • Trial Period: Many audiologists offer a trial period for hearing aids. This is an invaluable opportunity to test how well the device mitigates your tinnitus in various environments and situations.

Living With Hearing Aids: Adaptation and Management

Adapting to life with hearing aids requires time and patience. Initially, the enhanced sounds and the device’s presence in or around your ear can feel unfamiliar. However, as you adjust, you’ll likely notice not just an improvement in hearing, but a decrease in tinnitus perception as well. Here are some tips for adapting:

  • Start Slowly: Begin by wearing your hearing aids for a few hours a day in quiet environments, gradually increasing usage as you become more comfortable.
  • Regular Check-ins: Keep in regular contact with your audiologist to fine-tune settings and address any discomfort or feedback issues.
  • Stay Positive: Adjustment periods vary from person to person. Stay positive and remember that improvement in tinnitus management is a gradual process.

Beyond Hearing Aids: A Holistic Approach to Tinnitus Management

While hearing aids are a powerful tool in the arsenal against tinnitus, they’re most effective when used as part of a broader management strategy. Lifestyle changes, such as reducing caffeine intake and managing stress through mindfulness or therapy, can also play a significant role in alleviating symptoms. Additionally, exploring other forms of sound therapy and counseling can provide further relief and coping mechanisms. Staying informed about what’s new in research and treatment options ensures that individuals dealing with tinnitus have access to the most current and effective strategies for managing their condition, thereby enhancing the quality of their daily lives.

The Journey Ahead: Embracing Support and Innovation

The path to managing tinnitus is uniquely personal, and what works for one individual may not work for another. However, with ongoing advancements in hearing technology and a growing understanding of tinnitus, there’s renewed hope and a multitude of options available.

Audi Hearing is dedicated to supporting you through every step of your journey. From the initial consultation to finding the perfect hearing aid and beyond, we’re committed to enhancing your quality of life through innovative solutions and compassionate care. Together, we can turn the volume down on tinnitus, allowing you to enjoy life’s symphony once again.

The Tinnitus Awareness Week, serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding and addressing this condition.”

Conclusion: A Symphony of Support

At Audi Hearing, we understand that tinnitus can be a challenging condition, but you’re not alone. Our dedicated team is here to explore every avenue in search of relief for your symptoms. Hearing aids, with their dual function of amplifying sound and offering tinnitus management features, can be a valuable tool in your journey towards better hearing and reduced tinnitus symptoms. Get in touch with us.

Frequently Asked Question

While hearing aids can significantly alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus, they are not a cure. They are, however, an effective management tool for many.

The best way to determine this is through a comprehensive hearing assessment conducted by a professional audiologist.

Yes, there are various models and features available, including those with noise generation and sound masking capabilities.

Adjustment periods vary, but with the right support and adjustments, many people find relief within a few weeks.

Properly fitted and adjusted hearing aids should not worsen tinnitus. In fact, they're designed to offer relief.

Besides hearing aids, other strategies include sound therapy, counselling, and lifestyle changes to manage symptoms.

Can Hearing Aids Fix Tinnitus? Read More »

What are invisible in canal IIC hearing aids img

What are invisible-in-canal (IIC) hearing aids

In the realm of hearing enhancement, the quest for solutions that blend seamlessly with one’s lifestyle while offering superior auditory support has led to remarkable innovations. At the forefront of these advancements, Audi Hearing prides itself on delivering state-of-the-art solutions tailored to individual needs. Among these, Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) hearing aids stand out for their discreet design and advanced technology, offering a seamless blend of comfort and clarity. This article delves into the world of IIC hearing aids, shedding light on their benefits, functionality, and why they might be the perfect choice for your hearing needs.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways 

  • IIC hearing aids offer unparalleled discretion and comfort.
  • Advanced technology in IIC aids provides clear, natural sound quality.
  • Custom fit ensures IIC aids are barely noticeable, even to the wearer.
  • Audi Hearing offers personalised consultations to find the best hearing solution for you.

The Essence of Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) Hearing Aids 

Invisible-in-Canal hearing aids are the epitome of discreet hearing technology. Nestled deep within the ear canal, these tiny marvels are custom-fitted to remain out of sight, offering an invisible solution to hearing amplification. Unlike their more conspicuous counterparts, IIC aids are designed for those who seek an unobtrusive hearing aid without compromising on sound quality.

Why Choose IIC Hearing Aids? 

  1. Discretion: Perfect for individuals who are conscious about wearing hearing aids.
  2. Sound Quality: Delivers a natural listening experience by leveraging the ear’s anatomy.
  3. Comfort: Custom-fitted to your ear canal for a snug, barely-there feel.

How Do They Work? 

IIC hearing aids capture sound through a tiny microphone, which then gets processed and amplified inside the device. This amplified sound is delivered directly into your ear canal, enhancing your hearing in a way that feels both natural and effortless.

Choosing the Right IIC Hearing Aid 

When considering an IIC hearing aid, it’s crucial to consult with a hearing specialist who can assess your hearing needs and recommend the best option. At Audi Hearing, our experts are dedicated to finding the perfect match for your lifestyle and hearing requirements. Understanding the basics of hearing aids, including IIC models, is essential for making an informed decision.

Our team at Audi Hearing tailors recommendations to your unique profile, ensuring your chosen hearing aid enhances your life without compromise.

Incorporating Technology for Enhanced Hearing 

Today’s IIC hearing aids are equipped with the latest technology, including wireless connectivity, allowing users to stream audio directly from devices like smartphones and TVs. This seamless integration between hearing aids and modern technology not only improves the quality of life but also makes the hearing experience more enjoyable and convenient.

The Unseen Heroes of Hearing Technology 

IIC hearing aids are ingeniously designed to be concealed within the ear canal, making them virtually undetectable to the outside world. This level of discretion is achieved through meticulous engineering and customisation to fit the unique contours of the individual’s ear canal. But the magic of IIC hearing aids extends far beyond their invisibility.

Tailored for Comfort and Clarity 

Each IIC device is a masterpiece of personalisation, sculpted to provide the wearer with a comfortable fit that feels natural. This custom fit ensures that the device remains securely in place, offering consistent auditory support without the need for frequent adjustments. Moreover, by situating the device deep within the ear canal, IIC hearing aids leverage the ear’s natural acoustics, delivering a sound quality that is both rich and lifelike.

A Symphony of Technology 

Within the compact frame of an IIC hearing aid lies a symphony of advanced technology. Modern IIC devices are equipped with features that were once thought impossible to fit into such a small package. From noise reduction algorithms and directional microphones to wireless connectivity and rechargeable batteries, IIC hearing aids are a testament to how far hearing technology has come.

The Audi Hearing Advantage 

At Audi Hearing, we understand that choosing the right hearing aid is a deeply personal decision. That’s why we offer a comprehensive consultation process, guiding our clients through the selection, fitting, and adaptation phases with expertise and empathy. Our team of specialists is dedicated to ensuring that each client finds their perfect hearing solution, one that not only meets their auditory needs but also aligns with their lifestyle and preferences.

Embracing the Future of Hearing 

The future of hearing aids is here, and it’s invisible. With IIC devices, users can enjoy a level of freedom and confidence that was previously unimaginable. Whether it’s participating in social gatherings, engaging in professional environments, or simply enjoying the sounds of nature, IIC hearing aids offer a seamless auditory experience that enriches every aspect of life.

Understanding the importance of early detection in hearing loss is crucial. Cutting-edge advancements in hearing aids not only promise better hearing but also improved cognitive health, making it essential to address hearing decline promptly. The transformative power of hearing aids, including the discreet and advanced IIC solutions offered by Audi Hearing, aligns with the insights shared in the National Seniors Australia article on how hearing aids can significantly enhance the quality of life.

Beyond Hearing: The Impact of IIC Devices 

The benefits of IIC hearing aids extend far beyond the auditory. By breaking down the barriers associated with hearing loss, these devices play a crucial role in enhancing mental well-being, fostering social connections, and improving overall quality of life. With IIC hearing aids, users can reclaim their independence and embrace life with renewed vigor.

A Commitment to Innovation 

Audi Hearing is committed to staying at the cutting edge of hearing technology. Our partnership with leading manufacturers ensures that our clients have access to the latest advancements in IIC devices. By continuously exploring new technologies and innovations, we aim to provide solutions that not only improve hearing but also enhance the lives of those we serve.

The Journey to Better Hearing 

Embarking on the journey to better hearing with IIC devices is a transformative experience. From the initial consultation to the moment you first experience the clarity and richness of sound through your IIC hearing aid, Audi Hearing is with you every step of the way. Our goal is to make the transition as smooth and rewarding as possible, ensuring that you feel supported and confident in your choice.

A World of Sound Awaits 

With Invisible-in-Canal hearing aids, the world opens up in a symphony of sounds previously muted or distorted. The rustling of leaves, the nuances of music, and the subtleties of conversation become vivid and full of life. IIC devices not only improve hearing but also enrich the sensory tapestry of everyday experiences, allowing users to connect with the world in ways they never thought possible.


Invisible-in-Canal hearing aids represent a significant leap forward in hearing technology, offering a blend of discretion, comfort, and high-quality sound. If you’re exploring hearing aid options, Audi Hearing is here to guide you through the process, ensuring you find the perfect solution to enhance your hearing experience. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how IIC hearing aids can transform your auditory journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

IIC hearing aids are custom-fitted to sit completely inside the ear canal, making them virtually invisible.

Most adults with mild to moderately severe hearing loss are good candidates, but a consultation is necessary to determine suitability.

Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential. Audi Hearing provides comprehensive care instructions and support.

Many modern IIC models offer wireless connectivity, compatible with various devices for streaming audio directly.

With proper care, IIC hearing aids can last several years, though technology advancements may warrant an upgrade.

Schedule a consultation with Audi Hearing to assess your hearing needs and explore your options.

What are invisible-in-canal (IIC) hearing aids Read More »

The Role of Audiologists in Tinnitus Management img

The Role of Audiologists in Tinnitus Management

Tinnitus can be more than just a nuisance; for many, it’s a condition that significantly impacts daily life. However, the expertise of audiologists at Audi Hearing provides a beacon of hope. Through comprehensive assessments, personalised management plans, and cutting-edge treatments, our professionals are at the forefront of tinnitus care. Our dedicated team of audiologists plays a pivotal role in managing this condition, offering hope and improved quality of life to those affected.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Audiologists Play a Crucial Role: Audiologists are essential in diagnosing, managing, and providing support for individuals experiencing tinnitus, offering personalised care tailored to each person’s unique needs.
  • Comprehensive Management Strategies: Effective tinnitus management includes a combination of sound therapy, hearing aids, cognitive behavioural therapy, and tinnitus retraining therapy, among other approaches.
  • Education and Empowerment: Audi Hearing emphasises the importance of educating and empowering patients about their condition, believing that knowledge is key to effective management.
  • Technology Enhances Treatment: The advanced technology in hearing aids and sound therapy devices is integral to providing the best possible outcomes for individuals with tinnitus.
  • Holistic and Supportive Care: A holistic approach that considers all aspects of an individual’s health and well-being, combined with a supportive environment, is critical for managing tinnitus effectively.

Understanding Tinnitus and Its Impact

Tinnitus is a complex condition with various potential causes, including exposure to loud noises, certain medical conditions, and even stress. It’s a symptom rather than a disease itself, making the role of audiologists crucial in identifying the underlying causes and determining the most effective management strategies.

How Audiologists Help

  1. Assessment and Diagnosis: Audiologists conduct thorough assessments to determine the tinnitus’s characteristics and possible causes. This step is crucial for tailoring the management plan to the individual’s needs.
  2. Management Strategies: Depending on the assessment outcomes, audiologists may recommend several management strategies. These can include sound therapy, hearing aids equipped with tinnitus masking features, and counselling to help individuals cope with the condition.
  3. Ongoing Support and Care: Tinnitus management is an ongoing process. Audiologists provide continuous support, adjusting treatment plans as needed to ensure the best possible outcomes for their clients.

The Audi Hearing Difference

At Audi Hearing, our approach to tinnitus management is holistic and patient-centred. We believe in empowering our clients through education, providing them with the tools and support needed to manage their condition effectively. Our audiologists are not just healthcare providers; they are partners in your journey to better hearing health.

Innovative Approaches to Tinnitus Management

Audiologists at Audi Hearing leverage a variety of innovative approaches to manage tinnitus effectively. These strategies are designed not only to alleviate the symptoms but also to address the psychological impact tinnitus can have on individuals.

  1. Sound Therapy: One of the most common methods used in tinnitus management. Sound therapy involves the use of external sounds to help alter the patient’s perception of, or reaction to, tinnitus. This can include white noise machines, specialised ear devices, or even music and nature sounds.
  2. Hearing Aids: Many individuals with tinnitus also experience some level of hearing loss. Hearing aids can amplify external sounds, making tinnitus less noticeable. Some hearing aids come with built-in tinnitus masking features, providing dual benefits.
  3. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): While not provided directly by audiologists, CBT is often recommended as part of a comprehensive tinnitus management plan. This therapy helps individuals change their reaction to tinnitus by altering negative thought patterns.
  4. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT): TRT combines sound therapy with directive counselling. It aims to retrain the brain to perceive tinnitus in a less intrusive way, helping individuals to habituate to the sound and perceive it as less bothersome.

The Audi Hearing Commitment

Our commitment at Audi Hearing extends beyond just the initial treatment. We understand that tinnitus affects every individual differently, which is why we offer personalised care tailored to each person’s unique situation. Our audiologists stay abreast of the latest research and technologies in tinnitus management to ensure our clients receive the best possible care.

Empowering Patients Through Education

Education is a cornerstone of our approach to tinnitus management. We believe that empowering our clients with knowledge about their condition and the available treatment options is crucial for effective management. Our audiologists take the time to explain the nature of tinnitus, how it affects hearing, and the rationale behind each recommended treatment option.

A Supportive Environment for Healing

At Audi Hearing, we provide a supportive environment that encourages open communication between the audiologist and the client. We understand that dealing with tinnitus can be frustrating and, at times, isolating. Our clinic is designed to be a safe space where individuals can share their experiences and concerns without judgement.

Leveraging Technology for Better Outcomes

Technology plays a significant role in tinnitus management. From the latest in hearing aid technology to advanced sound therapy devices, Audi Hearing ensures that our clients have access to the best tools to manage their condition. Our audiologists are skilled in customising these technologies to fit the individual needs of each client, enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment plan.

A Holistic Approach to Care

Recognising that tinnitus can be influenced by various factors, including stress, diet, and overall health, Audi Hearing adopts a holistic approach to care. We often collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as ENT specialists, psychologists, and dietitians, to address all aspects of an individual’s health that may impact their tinnitus.

Success Stories and Testimonials

The effectiveness of our approach is reflected in the countless success stories and positive testimonials from our clients. Individuals who once felt overwhelmed by their tinnitus have found relief and a renewed sense of hope through the comprehensive care provided by Audi Hearing. These stories serve as a testament to the dedication and expertise of our audiologists.

Staying Informed and Ahead

The field of audiology, particularly tinnitus management, is constantly evolving. Our audiologists are committed to ongoing education and professional development to stay informed of the latest advancements in the field. This dedication ensures that Audi Hearing remains at the forefront of tinnitus care, offering the most current and effective management strategies to our clients.

Community Engagement and Awareness

Beyond individual care, Audi Hearing is dedicated to raising awareness about tinnitus and its impact on individuals’ lives. We engage in community outreach programs, educational seminars, and online resources to spread knowledge about tinnitus and the importance of seeking professional help.

Your Journey to Better Hearing Starts Here

Managing tinnitus can be a challenging journey, but you don’t have to face it alone. The team at Audi Hearing is here to support you every step of the way. From the initial assessment to ongoing management and support, we are committed to helping you achieve the best possible quality of life. Tinnitus may not have a one-size-fits-all solution, but with the right support and management strategies, it is possible to live a fulfilling life without being defined by tinnitus. At Audi Hearing, we are dedicated to making that possibility a reality for our clients.


At Audi Hearing, we’re committed to providing exceptional care for individuals experiencing tinnitus. Our team of experienced audiologists is here to guide you through every step of the management process, offering solutions tailored to your unique needs. If you’re struggling with tinnitus, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Let’s work together towards better hearing health.

Frequently Asked Question

Tinnitus can be caused by exposure to loud noises, ear infections, certain medications, aging, and other health conditions.

While there is no cure for tinnitus, its impact can be managed effectively through various treatment strategies.

Audiologists can help manage tinnitus by providing personalised treatment plans, including sound therapy, hearing aids, and counselling.

Yes, there are effective treatments for tinnitus, such as sound therapy, hearing aids with tinnitus masking features, and cognitive behavioural therapy.

To prevent tinnitus from getting worse, avoid exposure to loud noises, use hearing protection when necessary, and maintain good ear health.

The Role of Audiologists in Tinnitus Management Read More »

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Hearing Aids for Active Lifestyles

Embracing an active lifestyle is a commitment to your well-being, and at Audi Hearing, we believe that hearing should never be a barrier to the adventures that lie ahead. Our range of hearing aids is designed to seamlessly integrate into the lives of those who refuse to stand still, ensuring clarity and comfort on the go.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Designed for Durability: Audi Hearing aids are built to withstand the challenges of an active lifestyle, offering features like sweat and moisture resistance to keep you moving without limits.
  • Seamless Connectivity: Stay connected to your world with Bluetooth-enabled devices that allow for easy streaming of music, calls, and more, directly to your hearing aids.
  • Personalised for Performance: With personalised consultations and fittings, Audi Hearing ensures your hearing aids are perfectly tailored to both your auditory needs and active lifestyle.
  • Innovative Features: From automatic environment adjustment to tinnitus relief, our hearing aids come equipped with cutting-edge technology to enhance every aspect of your active life.
  • Comprehensive Support: Audi Hearing provides ongoing maintenance and support, ensuring your hearing aids perform optimally and keep you engaged in the activities you love.

Living actively means different things to different people. It could be a morning jog along the beach, a weekly tennis match with friends, or exploring the great outdoors. Whatever your passion, Audi Hearing has the perfect auditory companion to keep you immersed in the sounds of life without interruption.

Why Choose Audi Hearing Aids for Active Lifestyles?

  • Durability: Our devices are built to withstand the rigours of an active lifestyle, from sweat to dust and everything in between.
  • Clarity: Experience sound as it was meant to be heard, with technology that adapts to your environment.
  • Comfort: With ergonomic designs, you’ll barely notice they’re there, from the first step of your run to the last.

Innovations That Keep You Moving

  • Water-Resistant Technology: Jump into your activities without hesitation. Our aids can handle moisture, making them perfect for athletes and adventurers.
  • Rechargeable Solutions: Forget about changing batteries mid-adventure. Our rechargeable hearing aids ensure you’re always powered up and ready to go.
  • Bluetooth Connectivity: Stay connected to your devices, whether you’re streaming music on a run or taking calls on the trail.

Tailored for Every Sound Adventure

Choosing the right hearing aid is crucial for those with an active lifestyle, not only to amplify sound but also to enhance life without limitations, including preventing hearing loss. Audi Hearing recognises the importance of this balance, offering a diverse selection of hearing aids tailored to various activities and environments, ensuring users can protect and improve their hearing health while staying active.

Outdoor Enthusiasts

For the adventurers who love to explore the great outdoors, whether it’s hiking, biking, or simply enjoying nature, our hearing aids offer features like wind noise reduction and directional microphones. These features help you enjoy the sounds of nature while minimising the distractions of background noise.

Athletes and Fitness Buffs

If your passion lies in pushing your physical limits, our sports-friendly hearing aids are designed to stay in place, no matter the intensity of your workout. Sweat and moisture resistance ensures your device remains protected, allowing you to focus on achieving your fitness goals.

Travellers and Explorers

For those who love to travel, our hearing aids with Bluetooth connectivity are a game-changer. Easily connect to your smartphone or other devices to access GPS directions, listen to audio tours, or simply enjoy your favourite tunes, all while experiencing the rich sounds of your destination.

Pioneering Features for a Boundless Lifestyle

The selection of hearing aids at Audi Hearing is imbued with pioneering features, crafted to ensure that your life’s soundtrack is uninterrupted, no matter the setting of your escapades. These advanced devices offer numerous benefits, including enhanced clarity in conversations, improved ability to engage in various social settings, and a reduction in the strain of listening effort. By amplifying the sounds you want to hear and minimising background noise, our hearing aids facilitate a fuller, more connected experience with the world around you, ensuring that you never miss a beat of your life’s most memorable moments.

  • Adaptive Environmental Tuning: Our devices are equipped with the intelligence to seamlessly adapt to your environment. This means whether you find yourself in the serene ambiance of a quiet cafe or amidst the lively hum of a bustling street, your hearing will be optimally adjusted.
  • Understated Elegance: The design philosophy behind our hearing aids marries power with discretion. Their sleek, compact form ensures they remain unnoticed, empowering you to navigate social landscapes with confidence. This approach to design is detailed further in Hearing Tracker, which discusses the importance of aesthetics in hearing aid design.
  • Soothing Tinnitus Solutions: Tinnitus can be a constant and unwelcome companion for many. Our hearing aids offer solace through sound therapy features, designed to mask the persistent ringing, thereby providing relief and enhancing your auditory experience.

Empowering Your Active Life with Audi Hearing

At Audi Hearing, we’re more than just a provider of hearing aids; we’re your partner in navigating a life without limits. Our team of audiologists and hearing specialists is dedicated to understanding your lifestyle and recommending the best solutions to meet your needs. For individuals interested in the field and seeking information on how to become an audiologist, it’s a journey of rigorous education and training, aimed at equipping professionals with the knowledge and skills to enhance hearing health and improve the quality of life for those with hearing challenges.

Personalised Consultation and Fitting

Every ear is unique, and so is every lifestyle. That’s why we offer personalised consultations to understand your specific needs and preferences. Our experts will guide you through the selection process, ensuring your hearing aid is perfectly fitted and tailored to your lifestyle.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

We understand that maintaining an active lifestyle means your hearing aids need to perform at their best at all times. Our comprehensive aftercare service ensures your device remains in top condition, with regular check-ups, cleaning, and any necessary adjustments.

Stay Connected with Advanced Hearing Technology

In the modern era, maintaining connections is essential. Hearing aids are designed to integrate effortlessly with your digital way of life. The latest advancements in hearing aid technology ensure that from streaming phone calls and music directly into the hearing aid to fine-tuning settings via a smartphone application, advanced technology guarantees you remain linked to the things that are most important to you.

Hearing Aid Maintenance Tips for Active Individuals

To ensure your hearing aids keep up with your active lifestyle, here are some maintenance tips to keep them functioning optimally:

  • Daily Cleaning: Wipe your hearing aids daily with a dry, soft cloth to remove moisture and earwax. Video gamers, immersed in hours of intense gameplay, may unknowingly be risking hearing loss or tinnitus. The prolonged exposure to high-volume sound effects and music, especially through headphones, can lead to auditory health issues that might affect their quality of life. This is especially important for gamers who may use headphones over their hearing aids, increasing the risk of earwax buildup.
  • Use a Dehumidifier: Store your hearing aids in a dehumidifier overnight to remove any moisture that has accumulated during the day or during intense gaming sessions. Moisture can be a common issue for active individuals and gamers alike, potentially damaging the internal components of hearing aids.
  • Regular Check-Ups: Schedule regular check-ups with Audi Hearing to ensure your hearing aids are in perfect working condition. This can help identify any issues arising from frequent use during physical activities or gaming, where devices are exposed to additional stress.
  • Protect From Extreme Conditions: While our hearing aids are designed to be durable, it’s crucial to protect them from extreme conditions, such as direct sunlight or high humidity environments, which can be encountered both outdoors and during indoor gaming marathons.

Join the Audi Hearing Community

Becoming part of the Audi Hearing community means more than just getting a hearing aid; it’s about embracing a lifestyle where your hearing needs are fully supported, allowing you to live life to the fullest. Our community events, workshops, and support groups provide a space for you to connect with others, share experiences, and learn more about managing your hearing health.


At Audi Hearing, we’re dedicated to ensuring that your hearing aids complement your dynamic lifestyle, not complicate it. With our cutting-edge technology and personalised service, we’re here to keep you connected to the sounds that matter most. Ready to explore the world with unparalleled clarity? Get in touch with us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Absolutely, Our hearing aids are designed to stay secure and comfortable, no matter the activity.

A: Our water-resistant models offer great protection, but we also recommend using a hearing aid sweatband during high-intensity activities.

A: Yes, our Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids can seamlessly connect to your devices, making it easy to stay connected.

A: Depending on the model, our hearing aids can last anywhere from 24 to 30 hours on a single charge.

A: Definitely. Our hearing aids come equipped with features that reduce background noise, making it easier to focus on what you want to hear.

A: Audi Hearing offers comprehensive servicing for your hearing aids.

Hearing Aids for Active Lifestyles Read More »

Tinnitus Causes and Cures img min

Tinnitus Causes and Cures

Tinnitus, with its persistent ringing, buzzing, or humming in the ears, presents a unique challenge to those it affects. It’s not merely a physical condition but also one that can influence every facet of daily living. At Audi Hearing, we understand that tinnitus can be more than just a nuisance—it can impact every aspect of your life. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing you with the latest insights and solutions to manage this condition effectively.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Tinnitus is Multifaceted: Understanding the various types and triggers of tinnitus is crucial for effective management.
  • Personalised Treatment Plans: There’s no one-size-fits-all cure for tinnitus, but a combination of therapies tailored to individual needs can offer significant relief.
  • Lifestyle Matters: Simple lifestyle adjustments, such as protecting your ears and managing stress, can have a profound impact on managing tinnitus symptoms.
  • Technology Offers Support: Utilising apps and hearing aids with tinnitus masking features can provide daily relief and improve quality of life.
  • Community and Education are Key: Engaging with support groups and staying informed about tinnitus can empower individuals to take control of their condition.

Tinnitus, often described as ringing in the ears, affects a significant portion of the population at some point in their lives. While it’s a symptom rather than a disease itself, understanding its causes and exploring potential cures can be a game-changer for those affected.

What Causes Tinnitus?

Tinnitus can stem from various factors, including:

  • Exposure to Loud Noises: Frequent exposure to loud environments can damage the inner ear, leading to tinnitus.
  • Age-Related Hearing Loss: As we age, hearing loss can often be accompanied by tinnitus.
  • Ear Infections or Blockages: Earwax buildup or infections can temporarily enhance tinnitus symptoms.
  • Medications: Some medications are known to have tinnitus as a side effect.

Finding Relief: Cures and Treatments

While there’s no one-size-fits-all cure for tinnitus, several strategies can help manage the condition:

  • Sound Therapy: Utilising background noise or white noise can help mask the symptoms of tinnitus, making it less noticeable.
  • Hearing Aids: For those with hearing loss, hearing aids can amplify external sounds, thereby masking tinnitus.
  • Counselling: Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and other counselling methods can help manage the emotional response to tinnitus.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Reducing caffeine intake, managing stress, and avoiding exposure to loud noises can mitigate symptoms.

Understanding Tinnitus: A Closer Look

Tinnitus can be a perplexing and often distressing condition, manifesting as sounds like ringing, buzzing, or humming in the ears when no external sound is present. It’s a symptom triggered by an array of underlying causes rather than a standalone condition. To navigate through the complexities of tinnitus, it’s crucial to understand its types and potential triggers.

Types of Tinnitus

  • Subjective Tinnitus: The most common form, only heard by the affected individual, can be caused by outer, middle, or inner ear problems, or by issues with the auditory nerves or pathways.
  • Objective Tinnitus: A rare type, which can be heard by an examiner, often caused by vascular disorders, muscle contractions, or inner ear bone conditions.

Potential Triggers and Underlying Conditions

While loud noise exposure stands out as a primary trigger, several other factors can contribute to the development of tinnitus, including:

  • Ototoxic Drugs: Certain medications can have side effects that include tinnitus. Always consult with healthcare providers about the risks of new medications.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Emotional stress can exacerbate tinnitus, creating a cycle where tinnitus worsens stress, which in turn increases tinnitus severity.
  • Ear and Sinus Infections: These can increase fluid pressure in the ear, leading to tinnitus symptoms.
  • Jaw Misalignment: Conditions like TMJ disorders can also contribute to tinnitus symptoms due to the close proximity of the jaw to the ear.

Innovative Treatments and Therapies

The journey to managing tinnitus is highly personal, with treatments varying based on the individual’s symptoms and underlying causes. Here are some innovative approaches that have shown promise:

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

TRT combines sound therapy with directive counselling, aiming to retrain the brain to perceive tinnitus differently and diminish its impact on the patient’s life.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT focuses on changing the emotional response to tinnitus. By addressing the psychological aspects of tinnitus, patients can learn coping strategies to reduce its impact.

Acupuncture and Relaxation Techniques

Some individuals find relief through acupuncture or relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation, which can help alleviate the stress associated with tinnitus.

Dietary Changes and Supplements

Though research is ongoing, some evidence suggests that certain dietary changes and supplements may help reduce tinnitus symptoms. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Lifestyle Adjustments for Managing Tinnitus

In addition to medical treatments, making lifestyle adjustments can play a significant role in managing tinnitus:

  • Protect Your Ears: Use ear protection in loud environments and keep personal listening devices at a safe volume.
  • Mind Your Health: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can improve overall well-being, potentially reducing tinnitus symptoms.
  • Manage Stress: Engage in stress-reducing activities and consider mindfulness or meditation to help manage the stress associated with tinnitus.

The Role of Technology in Tinnitus Management

Advancements in technology have led to the development of various tools and apps designed to help individuals manage their tinnitus:

  • Sound Therapy Apps: Apps that provide ambient sounds or white noise can help mask tinnitus, making it less intrusive.
  • Hearing Aids with Tinnitus Masking Features: Modern hearing aids often include tinnitus masking features, providing relief for individuals with hearing loss and tinnitus.

Empowerment Through Education

Understanding tinnitus is the first step toward managing it effectively. Incorporating the latest advancements in hearing aid technology can significantly enhance this management. These devices not only improve hearing but also come equipped with features specifically designed to alleviate tinnitus symptoms. By staying informed about the latest research, treatments, and innovative hearing aid technologies, individuals can feel empowered to take control of their tinnitus and improve their quality of life.

At Audi Hearing, we’re committed to providing our clients with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate their tinnitus journey. Whether you’re seeking the latest in hearing technology or personalised care plans, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Joining a Community

Living with tinnitus can feel isolating, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Joining support groups, either in-person or online, can provide a sense of community and shared experience. Sharing stories and tips with others who understand what you’re going through can be incredibly comforting and helpful.

Looking Ahead

While tinnitus can be challenging, there’s hope on the horizon. Ongoing research continues to uncover new insights and treatments, bringing us closer to understanding this complex condition. At Audi Hearing, we stay at the forefront of these developments, ensuring our clients receive the most effective and innovative care possible.


If tinnitus is affecting your quality of life, remember, you’re not alone. Audi Hearing is here to help you navigate through your tinnitus journey with expert care and personalised solutions. Don’t let tinnitus hold you back from enjoying life to its fullest. Get in touch with us today to explore how we can support you in managing your tinnitus effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tinnitus is the perception of noise or ringing in the ears when no external sound is present.

While there's no cure for tinnitus, many treatments and strategies can significantly reduce its impact.

Yes, tinnitus and hearing loss are often interconnected. Addressing hearing loss can sometimes alleviate tinnitus symptoms.

Protecting your ears from loud noises, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and regular hearing check-ups can help prevent tinnitus.

Audi Hearing offers specialised tinnitus management services and support.

Tinnitus Causes and Cures Read More »

Childrens Hearing Parental Guide img

Children’s Hearing: Parental Guide

As guardians of our children’s well-being, it’s crucial to stay informed about their auditory health. At Audi Hearing, we’re committed to helping you navigate the complexities of children’s hearing. From identifying early signs of hearing issues to understanding the impact of hearing on overall development, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Table of Contents

Why is Children’s Hearing Crucial?

Hearing plays a pivotal role in a child’s development. It affects language acquisition, social skills, and educational progress. Early detection and intervention can significantly improve outcomes for children with hearing issues. The Australian Hearing Hub provides valuable insights into the importance of early intervention.

Identifying Hearing Issues in Children

It’s not always easy to spot hearing problems in kids. Here are some signs to watch out for:

  1. Delayed Speech: If your child’s speech development seems slower than usual, it might be a hearing issue.
  2. Inattentiveness: Difficulty in following conversations or seeming inattentive can sometimes be due to hearing difficulties.
  3. Turning Up the Volume: Frequently increasing the volume on devices can indicate hearing problems.

Preventative Measures

Protecting your child’s hearing is crucial. Here are some tips:

  1. Limit Exposure to Loud Noises: Continuous exposure to high decibel levels can damage hearing. The World Health Organization offers guidelines on safe noise levels for children.
  2. Regular Check-Ups: Regular hearing assessments are essential.

Treatment and Support

If your child is diagnosed with a hearing issue, there are various support systems and treatments available:

  1. Hearing Aids: Modern hearing aids are discreet and effective. Explore options on our Hearing Aids for children page.
  2. Speech Therapy: This can be crucial in developing communication skills.
  3. Educational Support: Tailored educational programs can assist in learning and development.

The Role of Technology

Advancements in technology have revolutionised hearing care for children. From innovative hearing aids to apps that assist with speech development, the options are continually expanding.

The Impact of Hearing Loss on Learning and Social Skills

Hearing loss in children can have far-reaching effects beyond just the auditory system. It can impact their ability to learn, socialise, and develop essential life skills.

  1. Learning Challenges: Children with hearing difficulties may struggle in traditional learning environments. They might find it hard to follow verbal instructions or participate in classroom discussions. This can lead to frustration and a lack of engagement in school activities.
  2. Social Interaction: Hearing is crucial for social interaction and the development of social skills. Children with hearing impairments might find it challenging to communicate with peers, leading to social isolation or difficulty in forming friendships. The Deaf Children Australia offers programs and services that can help these children develop the necessary skills for effective communication and social interaction.

The Emotional Aspect of Hearing Loss in Children

The emotional well-being of children with hearing loss is an area that needs attention and understanding.

  1. Frustration and Anger: Not being able to hear properly can be frustrating for children, leading to feelings of anger or behavioural issues.
  2. Self-Esteem Issues: Struggling to keep up with peers can affect a child’s self-esteem and confidence. Parents and caregivers need to be vigilant and supportive, ensuring these children receive the emotional support they need.

The Role of Parents and Caregivers

As a parent or caregiver, you play a crucial role in the management and support of your child’s hearing health.

  1. Advocacy: Be your child’s advocate in educational settings and in social situations. Ensure they have access to the resources and support they need.
  2. Creating a Supportive Environment: Foster a home environment that supports your child’s needs. This includes having open communication and using visual cues or sign language if necessary.

Navigating The World of Hearing Aids and Assistive Devices

Choosing the right hearing aid or assistive device for your child can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to guide you:

  1. Consult with Professionals: Work with audiologists and hearing specialists to find the best solution for your child.
  2. Involve Your Child in the Process: If they’re old enough, involve your child in choosing their hearing aid. This can make them feel more in control and accepting of the device.

Educational Support and Resources

There are numerous educational resources and support systems available for children with hearing loss:

  1. Specialised Educational Programs: Tailored specifically for children with hearing impairments, these programs focus on addressing their unique educational requirements. For more information on such programs, the John Tracy Clinic offers extensive resources and support for children with hearing loss.
  2. Assistive Technology in Classrooms: To aid children with hearing loss in classrooms, technologies like FM systems are employed. These systems enhance the learning experience by improving the clarity of speech and reducing background noise, making it easier for these children to follow along in class.

The Importance of Regular Hearing Assessments

Regular hearing assessments are crucial, especially for children:

  1. Early Detection: Regular check-ups can help in early detection of any changes in hearing.
  2. Monitoring Progress: Assessments are also important for monitoring the effectiveness of hearing aids or any other interventions.

Lifestyle and Environmental Considerations

The hearing health of your child can be significantly affected by various lifestyle and environmental elements:

  1. Noise Exposure: Pay close attention to the level of noise your child is exposed to, whether during leisure activities or in the home environment. Prolonged or excessive noise exposure can be harmful to their hearing.
  2. Healthy Habits: Fostering healthy lifestyle choices is crucial. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest all contribute to overall well-being, which in turn can have a positive effect on your child’s hearing health. For more information on how diet and exercise influence hearing health, you can visit Hearing Health Foundation.

The Future of Pediatric Hearing Care

The field of paediatric hearing care is constantly evolving, with new technologies and treatment methods on the horizon. Staying informed about these advancements is crucial. Our blog regularly features updates and insights into the latest in hearing care.


At Audi Hearing, we understand the importance of nurturing your child’s hearing health. Early detection and intervention can make a world of difference. If you have concerns about your child’s hearing, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team of experts is here to guide you through every step of your child’s hearing journey.

Frequently Asked Question

Children should have their hearing tested as newborns and then at regular intervals. More details can be found on our hearing tests for children page.

While not all hearing loss can be prevented, reducing exposure to loud noises and ensuring proper ear care can help.

Signs include delayed speech development, inattentiveness, and frequently turning up the volume on devices. Our hearing service page offers more insights.

Hearing aids can significantly improve the hearing and speech development of children with hearing loss.

Yes, there are specialised educational programs designed to support children with hearing loss.

From advanced hearing aids to educational apps, technology offers various tools to assist children with hearing issues.

Children’s Hearing: Parental Guide Read More »

Hearing Loss in Teens Causes and Prevention img

Hearing Loss in Teens: Causes and Prevention

Hearing loss isn’t only a problem for older people. It’s now becoming more common in teenagers too. This change means we need to really understand the issue and take steps to protect the hearing health of our young people. At Audi Hearing, we understand the growing concern around hearing loss in teenagers. This article delves into the causes and offers practical prevention strategies.

Table of Contents

Causes of Hearing Loss in Teens

  1. Excessive Noise Exposure: Today’s teens are constantly plugged into devices, often at high volumes. This includes smartphones, gaming consoles, and personal music players.
  2. Earbuds and Headphones: The use of earbuds and headphones can amplify the risk, especially when used for extended periods.
  3. Recreational Noise: Concerts, sporting events, and other loud recreational activities contribute significantly to potential hearing damage.

Prevention Strategies

  • Volume Control: Encourage teens to keep the volume at a safe level. The 60/60 rule (60% volume for no more than 60 minutes a day) is a good guideline.
  • Ear Protection: Use earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones in noisy environments.
  • Regular Check-ups: Routine hearing assessments can help detect early signs of hearing loss.

Audi Hearing’s Commitment

At Audi Hearing, we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive hearing solutions. Our Children’s Hearing Tests are tailored to identify and address hearing issues in younger patients.

Understanding the Impact of Hearing Loss on Teenagers

Hearing loss in teens is not just about missing out on sounds. It can have far-reaching implications on their social, emotional, and educational development.

  • Social Challenges: Teens with hearing loss may struggle with communication, leading to social isolation and difficulties in forming friendships.
  • Academic Performance: Difficulty in hearing can impact concentration and comprehension in classroom settings, potentially affecting academic performance.
  • Emotional Well-being: The frustration and embarrassment from hearing loss can lead to decreased self-esteem and increased risk of mental health issues.

Role of Technology in Hearing Health

In this digital age, technology plays a dual role. While it’s a significant cause of hearing loss due to misuse, it also offers innovative solutions.

  • Safe Listening Apps: Apps that monitor and control the volume can be a great tool for preventing hearing damage.
  • Advanced Hearing Aids: For those already experiencing hearing loss, modern hearing aids, like those offered at Audi Hearing, can significantly improve quality of life.
  • Educational Resources: Online platforms provide valuable information and tips for protecting hearing health.

Lifestyle and Environmental Factors

Lifestyle choices and environmental factors also play a crucial role in hearing health.

  • Healthy Living: A balanced diet and regular exercise can improve blood circulation, benefiting ear health.
  • Noise Awareness: Being aware of noisy environments and limiting exposure is crucial. This includes understanding the risks in certain hobbies or jobs that involve loud noise.

The Role of Parents and Educators

Parents and educators have a pivotal role in guiding teens towards healthy hearing habits.

Open Communication: Discuss the importance of hearing health and safe listening practices.

Lead by Example: Model good behavior by demonstrating safe listening habits.

Educational Programs: Schools can implement programs to educate students about the risks of noise-induced hearing loss.

Audi Hearing: A Partner in Your Teen’s Hearing Health

At Audi Hearing, we believe in a proactive approach to hearing health. Our services are not just about treatment but also about education and prevention.

  • Customised Hearing Solutions: We offer personalised hearing solutions, considering each individual’s lifestyle and needs.
  • Expert Guidance: Our team of experienced audiologists provides expert advice and support.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: We use the latest technology for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Hearing Assessments: The First Step to Prevention

Regular hearing assessments are crucial, especially for teens exposed to high noise levels.

  • Baseline Testing: Establishing a baseline helps in monitoring any changes in hearing over time.
  • Early Detection: Early detection of hearing issues allows for timely intervention and better outcomes.

The Psychological Aspect of Hearing Loss in Teens

Understanding the psychological impact of hearing loss on teenagers is crucial. Adolescence is a formative period where self-esteem and identity are developed. Hearing loss can affect these areas significantly.

  • Self-Identity Issues: Teens with hearing loss might struggle with their self-image, feeling different from their peers.
  • Mental Health: There’s a higher risk of depression and anxiety in teens with untreated hearing loss, often stemming from feelings of isolation and misunderstanding.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention can make a substantial difference in managing hearing loss in teens. It’s not just about providing hearing aids; it’s about offering a comprehensive support system.

  • Educational Support: Schools can implement special education services or accommodations to assist students with hearing loss.
  • Family Involvement: Active family involvement is crucial. Families should be encouraged to learn sign language or other communication strategies if necessary.

Audi Hearing: Tailoring Solutions for Teens

At Audi Hearing, we understand that teenagers have unique needs when it comes to hearing solutions. We focus on providing age-appropriate, discreet, and technologically advanced hearing aids that appeal to the tech-savvy nature of today’s youth.

  • Innovative Hearing Aids: Our range of hearing aids includes models that are virtually invisible, connecting seamlessly with smartphones and other devices.
  • Counseling and Support: We offer counseling services to help teens and their families adjust to the hearing aids and the changes in their hearing.

The Role of Schools and Communities

Schools and communities play a vital role in supporting teens with hearing loss.

  • Inclusive Education: Schools should aim to create an inclusive environment for all students, including those with hearing loss.
  • Community Programs: Community programs can offer additional support and resources for teens and their families.

Navigating the Digital World Safely

In an era where digital devices are ubiquitous, it’s important to guide teens on how to use these devices safely.

  • Responsible Use of Devices: Educating teens about the responsible use of smartphones, tablets, and other devices in relation to their hearing health.
  • Digital Detox: Encouraging regular breaks from digital devices to give their ears a rest.

Audi Hearing: Advocating for Better Hearing Health Policies

At Audi Hearing, we’re not just focused on individual care. We’re advocates for broader policy changes that can protect the hearing health of all teens.

  • Lobbying for Change: We support initiatives and policies aimed at reducing noise exposure in public spaces and schools.
  • Collaboration with Educational Institutions: We collaborate with schools and educational institutions to promote hearing health education.


Hearing loss in teens is a growing concern, but with the right knowledge and tools, it’s preventable. At Audi Hearing, we’re here to guide you and your family towards better hearing health. Contact us today for personalised advice and solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answer: Struggling to understand speech in noisy places and turning up the volume higher than usual are early signs.

Answer: Start a friendly conversation, explain the importance of hearing health, and suggest practical tips like the 60/60 rule.

Answer: Yes, noise-cancelling headphones or those with volume-limiting features are safer options.

Answer: Some types of hearing loss, especially noise-induced, can be permanent, highlighting the importance of prevention.

Answer: A balanced diet and good overall health contribute positively to maintaining healthy hearing.

Hearing Loss in Teens: Causes and Prevention Read More »

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