
Hearing Aid Cleaning Tips

Hearing Aid Cleaning Tips img

Ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your hearing aids doesn’t just rely on the quality of the device itself, but also on how well you maintain them. At Audi Hearing, we believe that a little regular upkeep can make a world of difference to the lifespan of your hearing aids. In this post, we’ll walk you through some essential hearing aid cleaning tips to keep your device working at its optimum.

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The Importance of Cleaning Your Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are exposed to earwax, moisture, and debris daily. Over time, these can clog the microphone or sound outlet, leading to decreased performance or even damage.

  1. Earwax Accumulation: Did you know the human ear produces earwax to protect the ear canal? While beneficial, excessive earwax can obstruct the hearing aid’s performance.
  2. Moisture: Australia’s diverse climate, ranging from humid tropics to dry deserts, can affect hearing aids. Humidity can harm the internal circuitry.
  3. Daily Debris: Dust, lint, and other tiny particles can find their way into your hearing device, causing potential issues.

Top Cleaning Tips for Your Hearing Aids

  • Daily Cleaning: Using a soft, dry cloth, wipe the surface of the hearing aid to remove dirt or sweat.
  • Avoid Liquids: Never immerse your hearing aids in water.
  • Special Cleaning Tools: Purchase a cleaning kit, which typically includes brushes and wax pickers, to safely clean your device.
  • Earwax Filters: Replace these regularly to prevent blockage.
  • Nightly Rest: Let your hearing aids breathe. Open the battery door at night to allow any accumulated moisture to evaporate.

Consult the Professionals

If you’re unsure about cleaning your device or if it needs repair, never hesitate to reach out to a professional. The Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program provides guidance on the maintenance of hearing devices.

The Role of Hearing Aid Cases

When we talk about hearing aid maintenance, an often-overlooked hero is the humble hearing aid case. Using a case not only protects your device from external damage but also from dirt, moisture, and the inevitable mishap of accidentally dropping them. Ensure your case is well-ventilated to prevent moisture build-up, especially after your hearing aids have been used throughout a warm day.

Moisture: The Silent Foe

In Australia, our love for the beach, the pool, and outdoor activities means that we’re often exposed to water. While this is all fun and games, moisture is the arch-nemesis of hearing aids. Consider investing in a hearing aid dehumidifier. This tool removes moisture from your hearing aids as they rest overnight. Using it can prolong the lifespan of your hearing aids and keep them functioning optimally.

If you find yourself frequently exposed to water activities, it might be worthwhile to consider waterproof or water-resistant hearing aids.

Routine Hearing Aid Check-ups

Much like how we have regular medical check-ups, our hearing aids deserve the same treatment. Regularly schedule appointments with your audiologist to ensure that your hearing aids are functioning at their best. These check-ups often include professional deep cleaning, adjustments, and software updates that you might not be able to perform at home. If you’re in need of a consultation, don’t hesitate to book an appointment.

Safe Battery Practices

Hearing aid batteries are crucial to the device’s operation. It’s paramount to store them in a cool, dry place. Never carry them loose in your pocket or purse to avoid them coming into contact with metal objects, which can lead to short-circuiting. Moreover, always wash your hands before changing the batteries to prevent dirt or grease from entering the hearing aid.

Be Wary of Hair Products

For many, hair sprays or gels are an essential part of their daily routine. However, these products can be harmful to your hearing aids. When applying any hair products, it’s best to remove your hearing aids to avoid any potential damage or blockage from the residue.

Educate Yourself

While our team at Audi Hearing is always ready to assist you, educating yourself about your specific hearing aid model can be invaluable. Understanding the nuances of your device will help you quickly identify any irregularities and take appropriate actions. Many manufacturers provide detailed guides and tutorials that can be beneficial. Some even have mobile apps that can assist in troubleshooting and provide cleaning reminders.

In Case of Emergencies

Accidents happen. You might drop your hearing aid, accidentally immerse it in water, or even misplace it. In such scenarios, it’s essential to remain calm. For instance, if your hearing aid gets wet, remove the battery and place the device in a dry, airy location. Once you’ve done all you can, reach out to professionals for further advice or potential repairs.

The Bottom Line

Your hearing aids are sophisticated pieces of technology designed to enhance your auditory experience. However, like all tech, they require regular upkeep. By integrating these tips into your daily routine, you’ll ensure the longevity of your hearing aids and continue to enjoy the sounds of the world around you.


Your hearing aids are an investment, not only in terms of money but more importantly, in the quality of your life. Regular maintenance, backed by recommendations from the Australian Government’s Department of Health, ensures they perform at their best for years to come. If you’re seeking information on national hearing initiatives, the Hearing Services Program provides valuable resources. If you ever need assistance or have concerns about your hearing aids, always remember that Audi Hearing is here to help. Reach out to us and let’s ensure you hear life’s moments clearly.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Daily cleaning is advisable, but a more thorough cleaning can be done weekly.

No, alcohol can damage the hearing aids' coating. Use the cleaning tools recommended by the manufacturer.

This could be due to earwax build-up or an ill-fitting device. Consult with our team for assistance.

Typically, every 1-2 months, but it varies based on individual earwax production.

Turn it off, remove the battery, and let it dry thoroughly. Consult our repair guide for more steps.

It might be due to a blocked microphone, speaker, or low battery. Regular cleaning can prevent such issues.

Unless they're labelled as waterproof, it's best not to.

With proper care, most hearing aids last 3-7 years.

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