
Hearing Aid Selection Guide

Hearing Aid Selection Guide

When it comes to improving your hearing, selecting the right hearing aid is pivotal. At Audi Hearing, we understand how overwhelming the choices can be. This guide is here to streamline your decision-making process. With so many brands, models, and features to choose from, finding the perfect hearing aid can be daunting. This guide will take you through crucial points to consider, answer common questions, and direct you to authoritative sources for further information. Let’s embark on the journey to optimal hearing together.

Table of Contents

Understanding Your Needs

Before diving into the various hearing aid options, it’s essential to identify your requirements.

  1. Severity of Hearing Loss: Hearing loss ranges from mild to profound. Your audiologist can help determine where you fall.
  2. Lifestyle: If you’re frequently on the move, certain hearing aids may be better suited to your needs.
  3. Budget: There’s a wide price range, so knowing what you’re willing to spend can narrow down options.

For more details on assessing your needs, visit our Hearing Aids page.

Types of Hearing Aids

Several primary styles are popular in Australia:

  • Behind-The-Ear (BTE): These are visible but provide powerful amplification.
  • In-The-Ear (ITE): These fill the outer part of the ear.
  • In-The-Canal (ITC): More discreet than ITE aids.
  • Completely-In-The-Canal (CIC): These are virtually invisible, resting deep in the ear canal.

Features to Consider

Modern hearing aids come loaded with features. Here’s a glimpse:

  • Noise Reduction: Useful in crowded settings like restaurants.
  • Rechargeable Batteries: Offers convenience for regular users.
  • Bluetooth Connectivity: Link your hearing aid directly to smartphones or TVs.

Understanding Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing aids have come a long way, with rapid advancements in technology. It’s not just about amplification anymore; today’s devices are smart, adaptive, and intuitive.

Digital vs. Analog

  • Analog Hearing Aids: These are traditional devices that amplify all sounds uniformly. They have been the standard for many years and tend to be more affordable.
  • Digital Hearing Aids: These are modern devices that process sounds digitally. They can differentiate between noise types and can be customised to amplify certain sounds more than others. They offer more precision and clarity.

Adjusting to Your Hearing Aid

Adjustment is a critical phase. Once you’ve selected your hearing aid, it might feel odd or even uncomfortable initially. There’s a period of acclimatisation. Here’s what to expect:

  • Voices May Sound Different: Your own voice might sound louder, or you could notice an echo. This is a normal initial reaction.
  • Increased Background Noise: Suddenly, you’re hearing sounds that you might not have noticed for years. Over time, your brain will learn to filter these out.
  • Regular Fittings: Visit Audi Hearing regularly to ensure a proper fit and to make necessary adjustments to the settings.

Taking Care of Your Hearing Aid

Hearing aids are an investment, and proper care ensures they last longer and function optimally.

  • Daily Cleaning: Using a soft brush or cloth, gently clean the device. Ensure no moisture seeps in.
  • Store in a Dry Place: Always use the case provided and consider using a dehumidifier if you live in a humid area.
  • Avoid Extremes: Keep them away from direct sunlight or extreme cold.
  • Regular Servicing: Just like any other device, hearing aids benefit from professional servicing. Schedule periodic checks with us.

Consider visiting the Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program, the Department of Health’s page on hearing, and the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s support for hearing.

Insurance & Warranty

Most hearing aids come with a manufacturer’s warranty that covers repairs and servicing. Some even offer insurance against accidental damage or loss.

  • Understand the Terms: Make sure you read and comprehend the warranty terms. What’s covered and what’s not?
  • Extended Warranties: Some manufacturers offer extensions for an additional fee. It might be worth considering, depending on the model and usage.
  • Insurance Claims: If you accidentally damage or lose your hearing aid, it’s vital to report it immediately and check if it’s covered under your policy.

The Audi Hearing Difference

What sets Audi Hearing apart is our dedication to the individuals we serve. We don’t just provide devices; we offer comprehensive hearing solutions tailored to individual needs. Our team of experts is always on hand to guide, support, and assist. From the first assessment to long-term care, our commitment to your hearing health remains unwavering.

It’s also essential to understand that hearing aids are not a one-time purchase. They require ongoing care, adjustments, and potentially upgrades over the years. At Audi Hearing, our relationship doesn’t end after the sale. We are in it for the long haul, ensuring that every client gets the most out of their hearing aids and enjoys a quality of life they deserve. For more information, please refer to the Australian Government’s guidelines on hearing care and subsidies available for hearing aids.”


Picking the right hearing aid is a personal journey, one that involves understanding your needs, available styles, and potential features. At Audi Hearing, we’re committed to walking this path with you. Get in touch with our professionals today to find your ideal hearing solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically every 3-7 years. Regular check-ups at Audi Hearing can ensure your device is in top shape.

Yes, but opt for moisture-resistant aids and consider using a clip to keep them in place.

It varies; some last a week while rechargeable ones last a day.

No, which is why it's essential to get a proper assessment.

Most providers, including Audi Hearing, offer a trial period.

Gently with a soft, dry cloth.

It’s best to avoid, although some models are water-resistant.

Prices vary greatly based on style and features.

Two aids often provide a more natural experience, but your audiologist will advise based on your assessment.

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