
Hearing Aids

Bluetooth Hearing Aids Benefits img

Bluetooth Hearing Aids Benefits

If you’re seeking a modern touch to enhance your hearing experience, you’ve come to the right place. Audi Hearing is beyond thrilled to walk you through the wonders of Bluetooth hearing aids. In this guide, we are excited to share with you the latest advancements in these compact devices, which go beyond the traditional features of standard hearing aids.

Table of Contents

The World at Your Ears

Have you ever envisioned owning a device that intuitively understands your needs? Bluetooth hearing aids stand as the epitome of personal auditory assistants, seamlessly synchronising with the electronic devices surrounding you to facilitate a flawless and enriched experience. Whether it is your smartphone, television, or any other Bluetooth-enabled device, connectivity is achieved with effortless precision, enhancing your daily interactions and engagements. If you’re interested in diving deeper into the advanced technology behind this, we suggest checking out the Australian Government’s Communications website for an in-depth look at the innovative developments in this sector.

Effortless Configuration

We understand that convenience is paramount, and these advanced devices truly rise to the occasion. Eliminating the necessity for additional devices, Bluetooth hearing aids streamline your audio experiences, whether you are immersing yourself in a podcast or an engaging audiobook. Furthermore, these devices offer the added advantage of discreet adjustments directly from your smartphone or tablet, granting you complete control with the utmost privacy and ease.

Sound Quality

Brace yourselves for a sound quality that’s nothing short of brilliant. These aids are armed with top-notch sound processing tech that cuts down Intrusive background noise, helping you zone in on your conversations or audio delights.

Keeping it Safe and Snug

Your well-being is our top priority. Our Bluetooth hearing aids are all up to date with the health and safety guidelines put forth by the Australian Government’s Department of Health . Not only do they enhance the auditory experience, but they also make sure to keep your ears safe from high sound levels.

Quality of Life, Amplified

Let’s face it – we are living in a world brimming with technology. Bluetooth hearing aids are like having a front-row ticket to a world of amplified and vibrant sounds. Imagine not having to struggle to hear your favourite telly show or the gentle tunes of morning birds – it sounds delightful.

Moreover, these devices provide a seamless connectivity experience for individuals who prioritize staying connected. Gone are the days of fumbling with hearing aid adjustments manually. You can now manage everything remotely with a tap or swipe on your phone. It’s technology that bends for you, making your life not only easier but also bit more exciting.

A Chat with the Experts

Our team of audiologists at Audi Hearing are always ready for a friendly chat. We are the team of experts ready to assist you in navigating through the myriad of options available, and help you select the one that aligns best with your preferences and needs.

Moreover, we’ve got a wealth of knowledge about the nitty-gritty of hearing health, so you can count on us for advice, tips, and guidance. And let’s not forget the personal touch we add to each consultation, making your journey towards better hearing a pleasant and memorable one. Lean more here!

A Community of Happy Ears

We believe that happiness is truly amplified when shared. At Audi Hearing, we are fostering a vibrant community of individuals who have transformed their lives with the help of Bluetooth hearing aids.

Their stories are not just testimonials; they are affirmations of the improved quality of life, thanks to these brilliant devices

A Commitment to Excellence

In the heart of Audi Hearing lies a commitment to excellence. Every product we recommend is backed by research and meets the highest standards of quality and safety, complying with the stringent guidelines of the Australian Government’s Department of Health.

It’s not just about the hearing aids, but the seamless service and aftercare that sets us apart. We’re here for the long haul, making sure your experience is nothing short of spectacular.

Embracing The Future

As we approach the conclusion of our comprehensive discussion, we offer a gentle suggestion. If you find yourself contemplating the transition to Bluetooth hearing aids, we encourage you to embrace the opportunity.


Embark on a journey where every sound transforms into a harmonious melody, where conversations seamlessly intertwine, and life takes on a more vibrant hue. It is imperative to recognize that these devices are not merely instruments, but a gateway to a life enhanced by a spectrum of enriched auditory experiences.

For a more comprehensive understanding of the technology in audiology, you can delve into the resources provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority and the Australian Digital Health Agency. These reputable sources offer valuable insights into the intersections of technology and healthcare, ensuring you’re well-informed in your pursuit of enhanced auditory experiences. At Audi Hearing, our mission revolves around infusing a touch of happiness into your auditory encounters, shaping each moment one distinct sound at a time.  Reach out to us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

They offer wireless connectivity, allowing for seamless integration with various modern gadgets.

Absolutely, you can easily connect them to multiple devices for a streamlined experience.

Absolutely, they deliver crystal clear sound quality for an immersive auditory experience.

Yes indeed, check the Australian Government's Hearing Services Program for potential rebates.

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Hearing Aid Selection Guide

Hearing Aid Selection Guide

When it comes to improving your hearing, selecting the right hearing aid is pivotal. At Audi Hearing, we understand how overwhelming the choices can be. This guide is here to streamline your decision-making process. With so many brands, models, and features to choose from, finding the perfect hearing aid can be daunting. This guide will take you through crucial points to consider, answer common questions, and direct you to authoritative sources for further information. Let’s embark on the journey to optimal hearing together.

Table of Contents

Understanding Your Needs

Before diving into the various hearing aid options, it’s essential to identify your requirements.

  1. Severity of Hearing Loss: Hearing loss ranges from mild to profound. Your audiologist can help determine where you fall.
  2. Lifestyle: If you’re frequently on the move, certain hearing aids may be better suited to your needs.
  3. Budget: There’s a wide price range, so knowing what you’re willing to spend can narrow down options.

For more details on assessing your needs, visit our Hearing Aids page.

Types of Hearing Aids

Several primary styles are popular in Australia:

  • Behind-The-Ear (BTE): These are visible but provide powerful amplification.
  • In-The-Ear (ITE): These fill the outer part of the ear.
  • In-The-Canal (ITC): More discreet than ITE aids.
  • Completely-In-The-Canal (CIC): These are virtually invisible, resting deep in the ear canal.

Features to Consider

Modern hearing aids come loaded with features. Here’s a glimpse:

  • Noise Reduction: Useful in crowded settings like restaurants.
  • Rechargeable Batteries: Offers convenience for regular users.
  • Bluetooth Connectivity: Link your hearing aid directly to smartphones or TVs.

Understanding Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing aids have come a long way, with rapid advancements in technology. It’s not just about amplification anymore; today’s devices are smart, adaptive, and intuitive.

Digital vs. Analog

  • Analog Hearing Aids: These are traditional devices that amplify all sounds uniformly. They have been the standard for many years and tend to be more affordable.
  • Digital Hearing Aids: These are modern devices that process sounds digitally. They can differentiate between noise types and can be customised to amplify certain sounds more than others. They offer more precision and clarity.

Adjusting to Your Hearing Aid

Adjustment is a critical phase. Once you’ve selected your hearing aid, it might feel odd or even uncomfortable initially. There’s a period of acclimatisation. Here’s what to expect:

  • Voices May Sound Different: Your own voice might sound louder, or you could notice an echo. This is a normal initial reaction.
  • Increased Background Noise: Suddenly, you’re hearing sounds that you might not have noticed for years. Over time, your brain will learn to filter these out.
  • Regular Fittings: Visit Audi Hearing regularly to ensure a proper fit and to make necessary adjustments to the settings.

Taking Care of Your Hearing Aid

Hearing aids are an investment, and proper care ensures they last longer and function optimally.

  • Daily Cleaning: Using a soft brush or cloth, gently clean the device. Ensure no moisture seeps in.
  • Store in a Dry Place: Always use the case provided and consider using a dehumidifier if you live in a humid area.
  • Avoid Extremes: Keep them away from direct sunlight or extreme cold.
  • Regular Servicing: Just like any other device, hearing aids benefit from professional servicing. Schedule periodic checks with us.

Consider visiting the Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program, the Department of Health’s page on hearing, and the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s support for hearing.

Insurance & Warranty

Most hearing aids come with a manufacturer’s warranty that covers repairs and servicing. Some even offer insurance against accidental damage or loss.

  • Understand the Terms: Make sure you read and comprehend the warranty terms. What’s covered and what’s not?
  • Extended Warranties: Some manufacturers offer extensions for an additional fee. It might be worth considering, depending on the model and usage.
  • Insurance Claims: If you accidentally damage or lose your hearing aid, it’s vital to report it immediately and check if it’s covered under your policy.

The Audi Hearing Difference

What sets Audi Hearing apart is our dedication to the individuals we serve. We don’t just provide devices; we offer comprehensive hearing solutions tailored to individual needs. Our team of experts is always on hand to guide, support, and assist. From the first assessment to long-term care, our commitment to your hearing health remains unwavering.

It’s also essential to understand that hearing aids are not a one-time purchase. They require ongoing care, adjustments, and potentially upgrades over the years. At Audi Hearing, our relationship doesn’t end after the sale. We are in it for the long haul, ensuring that every client gets the most out of their hearing aids and enjoys a quality of life they deserve. For more information, please refer to the Australian Government’s guidelines on hearing care and subsidies available for hearing aids.”


Picking the right hearing aid is a personal journey, one that involves understanding your needs, available styles, and potential features. At Audi Hearing, we’re committed to walking this path with you. Get in touch with our professionals today to find your ideal hearing solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically every 3-7 years. Regular check-ups at Audi Hearing can ensure your device is in top shape.

Yes, but opt for moisture-resistant aids and consider using a clip to keep them in place.

It varies; some last a week while rechargeable ones last a day.

No, which is why it's essential to get a proper assessment.

Most providers, including Audi Hearing, offer a trial period.

Gently with a soft, dry cloth.

It’s best to avoid, although some models are water-resistant.

Prices vary greatly based on style and features.

Two aids often provide a more natural experience, but your audiologist will advise based on your assessment.

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How Long Does a Hearing Test Take

How Long Does a Hearing Test Take?

If you’re considering booking a hearing test with Audi Hearing, you’re probably wondering: How long does a hearing test take? The simple answer is typically between 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the type of test and individual’s hearing condition. In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at the time commitment for different types of hearing tests and how to prepare for them. Audi Hearing is committed to providing top-quality, timely services for all your hearing needs.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Importance of Hearing Tests

Hearing tests are crucial in detecting any form of hearing loss early. Per the research and reports from the Australian Government Department of Health, it’s startling to know that a staggering 3.6 million fellow Aussies are grappling with hearing loss, many of whom may not even realise their condition. Keeping a regular schedule for hearing checks can truly be transformative in situations like these. Their critical role in detecting issues early and setting up a treatment plan can’t be overstressed. Ultimately, these regular checks could be the stepping stones towards improved life quality for those affected, a beacon of hope in navigating their hearing journey.

What Does a Hearing Test Involve?

A comprehensive hearing test usually involves a few different components:

  1. Case History: This is where we discuss your hearing health and any concerns you may have.
  2. Visual Inspection: We visually inspect your ear using an otoscope to check for any abnormalities.
  3. Pure-Tone Testing: We use headphones to find the quietest sound you can hear at different pitches.
  4. Speech Testing: We measure how well you can understand ordinary conversation at different volumes.

Different Types of Hearing Tests and Their Duration

The duration of a hearing test depends largely on the type of test being conducted:

  • Pure-Tone Tests: The quickest, often completed within 15-20 minutes.
  • Speech Tests: Typically take 20-30 minutes.
  • Tympanometry: This test can take between 2-5 minutes.
  • Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Test: Usually take around an hour.

Learn more about these tests on our Services page.

Preparing for Your Hearing Test

There’s not much you need to do to prepare for your hearing test. However, if you’re taking medication, please let your audiologist know, as some medications can affect hearing.

Understanding the Audi Hearing Difference

At Audi Hearing, we believe in personalised, compassionate service. Our approach to hearing health care sets us apart, making us one of the leading audiology services in Australia.

We are more than just hearing specialists. We are also your partner in your journey to better hearing. The road to better hearing health can feel overwhelming, but our team at Audi Hearing is here to guide you every step of the way. Visit our About Us page to learn more about our mission and team.

The Audi Hearing Process

We believe that an informed patient is an empowered one. Here’s what you can expect when you come to Audi Hearing for your hearing test:

  1. Personal Consultation: Each appointment begins with a personal consultation. We take the time to understand your individual needs, lifestyle and health history.
  2. Comprehensive Evaluation: Our hearing evaluations are thorough and use the latest technology, ensuring the most accurate results.
  3. Discussion of Results: We review and explain your results in easy-to-understand terms. We believe that knowledge is empowering and encourage questions.
  4. Recommendation: Based on your results and personal circumstances, we recommend the best course of action. Whether it’s a hearing aid or another form of hearing loss treatment, we provide options that best fit your lifestyle and budget.
  5. Continual Support: Your journey to better hearing doesn’t end when the hearing test does. We provide continuous care and support, ensuring your hearing health always remains in check.

Are Hearing Tests Uncomfortable?

A common concern many people have is whether hearing tests are uncomfortable. Rest assured, at Audi Hearing, we ensure that all procedures are conducted in the most comfortable, stress-free manner possible. The process is non-invasive and should not cause any pain or discomfort. If you have any concerns, our team is more than happy to answer any questions.

Can a Hearing Test Diagnose Other Health Issues?

The ear is a complex organ, and issues with hearing can sometimes indicate other health problems. For instance, tinnitus (a ringing in the ears) can sometimes be a symptom of high blood pressure or a side effect of certain medications.

Conversely, difficulty hearing may also be a sign of an ear infection or wax build-up rather than a serious hearing loss issue. Therefore, a comprehensive hearing test can often help detect these problems early on.If we discern that your hearing difficulties might be a tell-tale sign of another underlying health concern, our immediate course of action would be to advise you to seek further advice from a suitable medical specialist. We firmly believe in a holistic approach to your health, with your wellbeing as our top priority.

At Audi Hearing, we’re more than just hearing health providers. We’re committed to the overall well-being of our patients.

What If I Don’t Pass My Hearing Test?

If your hearing test indicates hearing loss, it’s not the end of the road. Many forms of hearing loss are treatable, and there are numerous solutions available. At Audi Hearing, we offer a wide range of hearing aids that can help. From behind-the-ear (BTE) aids to completely-in-canal (CIC) aids, we have solutions that will fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Remember, there’s no ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ with hearing tests. It’s about understanding your hearing health better and taking steps to improve it.

Next Steps

Whether it’s been a while since your last hearing test or if you’re booking one for the first time, Audi Hearing is here to make the process smooth and straightforward. Take that step towards better hearing health today and book an appointment with us. We look forward to welcoming you to our Audi Hearing family.


In summary, hearing tests are quick, simple, and can be a life-changing step towards better hearing health. Whether it’s a quick Pure-Tone Test or a comprehensive ABR Test, Audi Hearing is committed to providing efficient and professional hearing services.

Frequently Asked Questions

According to the Hearing Care Industry Association, adults should get a hearing test every decade until age 50, and every three years thereafter.

No, there's no age limit. In fact, Newborn Hearing Screening is a routine procedure in Australia.

Absolutely! We encourage it. It can be helpful to have a second pair of ears to remember all the information provided.

Don't worry! At Audi Hearing, we're equipped with the latest technology to help improve your hearing. Learn more on our Hearing Aids page.

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Tips for Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

Tips for Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

Life is filled with sounds and voices that tie us to the world around us. For those who have experienced hearing loss, getting new hearing aids is an exciting step towards clarity. Audi Hearing ensures the best experience for its clients, but adjusting to new hearing aids can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. This guide will help you sail smoothly through the adaptation phase and reconnect with the vibrant sounds of life.

Table of Contents

Patience is Key 

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Give yourself time to get used to the new device.

It’s normal to feel discomfort initially; just be patient and consistent.

Start Small, Dream Big

Initially, use your hearing aids in quiet environments. Progress to noisier settings as you feel more confident. Explore the hearing aid features on our website.

Practice Makes Perfect

Try listening to audiobooks or watch TV at a normal volume. Engage in one-on-one conversations to adapt better.

Stay in Touch

Regular check-ins with your audiologist are crucial. Visit our hearing services page for detailed information.

Educate Yourself

Read about your device on the manufacturer’s website. Familiarise yourself with maintenance and care routines.

Reach Out

Join local or online support groups. Here’s a handy link to an Australian support group.

Share your experience and learn from others.

Tech Talk: How Cool are Modern Hearing Aids?

Ever wondered what’s inside those little hearing aids from Audi Hearing? They’re not just bits and bobs, but nifty gadgets that use heaps of tech to make our lives better. They’re like mini-robots for our ears, working to help us hear the world in its full glory.

You and Your Hearing Aids: Becoming Best Mates

  • A Personal Touch: We’re all unique, and so are our ears! Hearing aids can be tailored just for you. Reckon you’ll have a hard time adjusting? Nah, you’ll be best mates in no time!
  • A Bit of Smarts: Hook up your hearing aids to your phone or iPad. You can even listen to your favourite tunes or chat with your friends.

Handling the Niggling Bits: Feedback and Whistles

Ever heard a whistle and thought, “What’s that then?” It’s just your hearing aids settling in.

With directional microphones, they focus on who’s talking to you, even in a noisy place like a café or the footy match.

Day in the Life with Your New Mates (Hearing Aids, That Is!)

Morning Routine

  • Check them, clean them, and if they need a feed (new batteries), give them that.
  • Keep a few spare batteries, just in case.

Having a Yarn with Mates

  • Tell your friends about your new hearing aids. They’ll want to help, no doubt.
  • And maybe pick a quieter spot for a chinwag at first.

Night-time Necessities

  • Turn them off, tuck them in a nice place, and give them a rest until tomorrow.

Venturing Out into the World

  • At Home: Have a go listening to all sorts of sounds, even the kettle boiling!
  • Out and About: Take them shopping or to the park. They’ll love it, and so will you.
  • Special Occasions: For loud places, like a big bash or a concert, just ask your audiologist for some tips.

A Last Bit of Wisdom

Your hearing aids from Audi Hearing are more than gadgets; they’re your ticket to hearing life’s soundtrack. It might seem a bit tricky at first, but don’t worry! You’ll get the hang of it, and everything will sound bonza.

So have a go, give it time, and enjoy every noise, chatter, and tune. You’ve got your hearing aids, and Audi Hearing has got your back. Life’s about to sound brilliant!


Adjusting to new hearing aids is a journey, one that’s worth every effort. With resources from the Australian Government’s Department of Health providing insights into hearing health, and guidance from the Hearing Services Program, you’re well-supported in your quest to reconnect with sounds. Every chirp, every rustle, and every word become clearer, making life’s experiences richer. For any hands-on questions or need for further assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated team at Audi Hearing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically, it can take a few weeks to a couple of months. Everyone's experience varies.

Yes, slight discomfort initially is normal but it eases as you get used to them.

It’s recommended to have regular check-ins, especially during the first few weeks.

Yes, check the Australian Government's Hearing Services Program for more details.

Most modern hearing aids adjust automatically, but manual controls are available in some.

Initially, you might perceive sounds differently. As you adjust, this sensation typically fades.

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Assistive Listening Devices VS Hearing Aids Which is Right for You

Assistive Listening Devices VS Hearing Aids

Finding the right hearing assistance can be a bit like solving a jigsaw puzzle, but don’t you worry! Our team at Audi Hearing is here to help you fit the pieces together. We want to guide you through the maze of Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) and Hearing Aids.

Table of Contents

Unravelling the mystery

ALDs and Hearing Aids both lend an ear, but their style of lending differs a fair bit. You see, Hearing Aids are like your general mates; they are always there, amplifying all the sounds and chats around you. They are a solid companion for folks with mild to serious hearing loss, customisable to match your hearing needs. Keen on learning more about these buddies? Visit our Hearing Aid page.

Assistive Listening Devices though, they’re more of your specialist mates. They zoom in on the sounds you want to hear and block out the background noise. They’re like the friend who helps you focus when studying in a noisy cafe.

Making the choice

How do you choose your team – ALD or Hearing Aid? Consider these:

  1. Your hearing loss: If it’s severe, hearing aids could be your go-to.
  2. Your lifestyle: If you need help in specific situations, ALDs might be your pick.
  3. Your budget: Hearing aids can cost a pretty penny, so have a think about your wallet.
  4. Your comfort & tech-savviness: Some folks find hearing aids a bit annoying to wear, while others get tangled up in the technical side of ALDs.

And don’t forget, the Australian Government’s hearing services program is there to help you too.

Pro tip: Get a professional’s opinion

Getting advice from an audiologist is like asking a top-notch detective for help. They can pinpoint your hearing loss and suggest the best device for you. Book a session with an expert at Audi Hearing. Also, the Australian Department of Health has plenty of resources to help you unravel the mystery of hearing loss and hearing aids.

Understanding Hearing Aids

Let’s have a closer look at these hearing aids. Imagine this: You’re at a family barbecue. Kids are running around, sausages are sizzling on the grill, and Aunty Sue is telling you her famous holiday stories. But you’re struggling to catch every word she says because everything is just a buzz. Do you know the benefits of hearing aids? They’re like your personal sound system, making all sounds, near and far, loud and clear. So, with them, you won’t miss a single one of Aunty Sue’s tales.

Hearing aids are quite clever too. They can be adjusted to suit your hearing profile – amplifying the sounds at the frequencies where you need it the most. Whether you’re at a barbecue, watching tele, or at the beach, hearing aids are ready to back you up. But remember, they do require a bit of maintenance to keep them in tip-top shape. Regular cleaning and battery changes are part and parcel of owning a hearing aid.

Exploring Assistive Listening Devices

Picture this: You’re at the cinema, popcorn in hand, all set to watch the latest blockbuster. But just as the movie gets interesting, you find yourself struggling to follow the dialogue over the soundtrack and background noise. That’s where ALDs swoop in to save the day.

ALDs help you tune in to the sounds you want to focus on and turn down the volume on everything else. They’re a fantastic tool for watching TV, chatting on the phone, or any situation where you want to hear a specific sound more clearly. Unlike hearing aids, they can be used with headphones or earbuds, making them a comfortable alternative for those who find wearing hearing aids a tad uncomfortable.

Deciding Between the Two

Choosing between hearing aids and ALDs isn’t just about picking the fancier device. It’s about finding the best match for your lifestyle, hearing needs, and comfort. Are you looking for a device that can help you in every situation? Hearing aids might be your best bet. Do you need a bit of help hearing the TV or the telephone? An ALD could be just what you need.

Of course, the price is another important factor to consider. Hearing aids can be a big investment, with costs often running into thousands of dollars. ALDs, on the other hand, can be a more budget-friendly option, with some devices costing less than a hundred bucks.

Don’t forget to think about your technical abilities as well. Both hearing aids and ALDs come with a bit of a learning curve. You’ll need to learn how to operate them, troubleshoot issues, and carry out basic maintenance tasks.

What’s Next?

Now that we’ve explored the ins and outs of hearing aids and ALDs, the next step is to get a professional opinion. It’s always best to consult with a trained audiologist before making a decision. They can help assess your hearing, understand your lifestyle, and guide you towards the right choice.

In the meantime, why not dig a bit deeper into the world of hearing assistance? The Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program and the Australian Department of Health are fantastic resources filled with valuable information.

Remember, whether you choose a hearing aid or an ALD, the goal is the same: to help you enjoy the sounds of life to the fullest!

Wrapping it up

Choosing between an ALD and a Hearing Aid might seem like a tough nut to crack, but we’ve got your back. With the right guidance and a good understanding of your needs, you can find the perfect device that fits you like a glove. So, if you’re ready to take the next step in your hearing journey, give us a call at Audi Hearing.  Contact us to know more!

Frequently Asked Questions

Think of ALDs as your noise-cancelling headphones, but more advanced. They amplify the sounds you want to hear, particularly in noisy environments. You can use them with or without hearing aids.

Hearing aids come in different shapes and sizes – behind-the-ear (BTE), in-the-ear (ITE), and completely-in-the-canal (CIC) models.

That's where our pros step in. A consultation with our trained audiologists will help you decide. Book a session at Audi Hearing.

You bet! The Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program offers free and subsidised hearing services to eligible folks.

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Why Do I Hear Ringing in My Ears img

Why Do I Hear Ringing in My Ears?

If you’ve been asking yourself “Why do I hear ringing in my ears?”, you’re not alone. This condition, known as tinnitus, affects one in seven Australians. At Audi Hearing, we understand that tinnitus can be confusing and bothersome. This article aims to shed light on the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for tinnitus, helping you to navigate this often puzzling condition.

Table of Contents

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is not just a simple ringing noise in the ears; it manifests as a diverse array of auditory sensations.

People often describe it as a ringing, but it can also take the form of hissing, buzzing, whistling, humming, or even clicking sounds.

It’s important to grasp that tinnitus itself is not an independent illness, but rather a sign that points to an underlying condition or issue.

By recognizing tinnitus as a symptom, we can delve deeper into understanding and addressing the root cause behind it.

The perceived noise may present in either one or both ears and can persist incessantly or intermittently.

Astonishingly, chronic tinnitus is a reality for over a million Australians, demonstrating just how pervasive this condition truly is.

What Causes Tinnitus?

There are various potential causes of tinnitus, including:

Hearing Loss: Predominantly, tinnitus is a consequence of hearing impairment.

As we march on in years, or find ourselves frequently amidst clamorous noises, the capabilities of our auditory system can decline, which in turn often initiates tinnitus.

Earwax Accumulation: An overabundance of earwax can clog the ear canal, an obstruction that potentially results in hearing loss and subsequently, tinnitus.

It’s crucial to note that these are just a couple of examples, and the actual cause could differ significantly among individuals.

Certain medications: Some drugs are known as ototoxic as they can cause temporary tinnitus.

Medical conditions:

Conditions such as Meniere’s disease, acoustic neuroma, and hypertension can cause tinnitus.

For a comprehensive list of causes, you can visit the Australian Government Department of Health website.

How is Tinnitus Diagnosed?

At Audi Hearing, we diagnose tinnitus through a comprehensive examination, including a detailed medical history and a complete hearing test.

Treatment Options

While a definitive cure for tinnitus is currently elusive, there exist various strategies to effectively manage its symptoms.

  1. Hearing aids: One such approach involves the use of hearing aids, which can often offer relief, particularly for individuals with co-existing hearing loss. By amplifying external sounds and improving overall auditory perception, hearing aids help to divert attention away from the persistent ringing or buzzing of tinnitus, significantly improving one’s quality of life.
  2. Counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy: These treatments help you understand and cope with your tinnitus better.
  3. Sound therapy: This involves listening to neutral sounds to distract from the sound of tinnitus.
  4. Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT): This treatment aims to retrain the way your brain responds to tinnitus so that it becomes less noticeable.

Types of Tinnitus

While the generic term “tinnitus” is widely used, it’s important to know that there are different types of tinnitus.

Identifying the type of tinnitus you’re experiencing can help determine the best approach to manage your symptoms.

  • Subjective Tinnitus: This is the most common type of tinnitus, where the sounds are only perceived by the patient. It’s usually caused by issues in the outer, middle, or inner ear, or issues with the auditory nerves or the part of the brain that interprets nerve signals as sound.
  • Objective Tinnitus: This is a rare type of tinnitus that your doctor can hear when performing an examination. This can be caused by issues with blood vessels, muscle contractions, or inner ear bone conditions.
  • Pulsatile Tinnitus: Patients with this type of tinnitus report hearing a rhythmic pulsing sound, often in time with the heartbeat. It is typically caused by blood flow changes in the blood vessels near the ear or increased awareness of blood flow near the ears.

Tinnitus and Mental Health

Tinnitus can have significant impacts on mental health.

People with severe tinnitus often report higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

The Australian Government’s mental health resources provide support and advice for those struggling to cope.

Counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are invaluable resources for individuals seeking support in managing the emotional impact of tinnitus.

These therapeutic approaches provide guidance and tools to help shift your perspective and alter the way you think about your tinnitus.

By working closely with trained professionals, you can develop coping strategies that reduce the negative impact of tinnitus on your daily life.

Counselling and CBT empower you to regain control and foster a more positive mindset, enabling you to navigate the challenges of tinnitus with resilience and improved well-being.

Prevention and Lifestyle Changes

While not all cases of tinnitus are preventable, there are steps you can take to protect your ears and reduce your risk:

  • Avoid Loud Noises: Frequent exposure to loud noises can damage the cells in the inner ear, leading to tinnitus. It’s essential to wear ear protection when you’re exposed to loud environments like concerts or construction sites.
  • Manage Stress Levels: High stress or anxiety levels can worsen tinnitus symptoms. Techniques like mindfulness and relaxation can be beneficial in managing stress.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Regular exercise and a balanced diet can contribute to overall health, including the health of your ears. Maintaining a healthy weight also reduces the risk of tinnitus linked to obesity and high blood pressure.

Emerging Research and New Treatments

While there’s currently no definitive cure for tinnitus, ongoing research aims to find more effective treatments.

Scientists are exploring new avenues, including deep brain stimulation, cochlear implants, and even certain types of music therapy.

To stay updated on the latest research, visit the Australian Tinnitus Association website.

Understanding tinnitus, its causes, and treatment options is crucial for those affected.

While it can be frustrating and often confusing, know that there are resources and treatments available to help you manage your symptoms effectively.

Tinnitus can be challenging to live with, but you don’t have to face it alone.

At Audi Hearing, we’re committed to providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to manage your tinnitus effectively. Get in touch with us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tinnitus can manifest as various sounds, including ringing, buzzing, hissing, humming, or clicking.

Currently, there is no cure for tinnitus. However, various treatment strategies can help manage the symptoms.

Certain factors like stress, lack of sleep, exposure to loud noise, and certain medications can worsen tinnitus.

In some cases, tinnitus might decrease or disappear over time. However, chronic tinnitus typically requires treatment to manage symptoms.

Tinnitus does not cause hearing loss directly, but they often co-exist. If you are experiencing tinnitus, it's essential to seek professional advice.

Why Do I Hear Ringing in My Ears? Read More »

types of tinnitus

Types of Tinnitus

At Audi Hearing, we believe that the first step towards managing your tinnitus effectively is understanding what kind of tinnitus you have. Isn’t it surprising that nearly one in every five Australians are troubled by some form of tinnitus at some point in their lives? A comprehensive understanding of the types of tinnitus, their roots, and possible management strategies is the first step towards better auditory health. In this article, we at Audi Hearing are here to assist you on this journey by unravelling the complexities of tinnitus and providing insights into our dedicated solutions.

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Objective Tinnitus

Objective tinnitus, one of the rarer forms of the condition, can actually be heard by the physician during an examination. Interestingly, this particular variety of tinnitus is usually sparked off by sounds generated from muscle contractions close to your ear, alterations within your ear canal, or potential problems with the blood flow in your face or neck region. You might perceive these sounds in a single ear, both ears or even seemingly from within your own head.

For further information on objective tinnitus, you can refer to this informative page by the Australian Government Department of Health.

Subjective Tinnitus

Subjective tinnitus, the most common form, can only be heard by the patient. It is often caused by exposure to loud noise, age-related hearing loss, ear injury, or a circulatory system disorder.

Find out more about tinnitus on our Tinnitus management page.

Pulsatile Tinnitus

Pulsatile tinnitus is often related to blood flow, either through normal or abnormal blood vessels near the ear. Causes of pulsatile tinnitus include high blood pressure, turbulence in blood flow causing a bruit, or irregular connections between a vein and an artery.

The Heart Foundation provides more comprehensive details about pulsatile tinnitus and its links with cardiovascular health.

Neurological Tinnitus

Neurological tinnitus usually results from disorders such as Meniere’s disease that affect the brain’s auditory functions. To delve deeper into neurological tinnitus and related disorders, visit our Neurological Services page.

Somatic Tinnitus

Somatic tinnitus is related to the sensory system. Interestingly, this variety of tinnitus may originate from disorders that aren’t directly associated with the ear or the auditory nerve, proving how interconnected our bodily systems truly are.

To get more insights on somatic tinnitus, the National Health and Medical Research Council is a highly reliable source.

Understanding Your Tinnitus Type for Effective Management

Every type of tinnitus comes with its unique set of hurdles. However, the initial stride towards effectively navigating this complex condition is to truly comprehend its nature and implications.

Audi Hearing is here to provide expert guidance and personalised treatment plans to help you on your path towards improved auditory health.

Understanding and Managing Objective Tinnitus

Objective tinnitus is rare, and usually caused by some physical source of sound within the body, like the noise from blood flow or muscle contractions. These sounds can often be heard by an examining physician using a stethoscope. It can be intermittent or constant, and its volume can fluctuate. It’s vital to visit a healthcare professional who can carry out thorough examinations and identify potential underlying causes.

Subjective Tinnitus and Its Management

Subjective tinnitus takes the lead as the most prevalent variant, impacting tens of thousands of Australians annually, akin to an uninvited guest appearing year after year.

It involves the perception of sound when no actual external noise is present. Its causes can vary significantly, ranging from noise-induced hearing loss and age-related hearing decline to certain medications and high blood pressure.

Managing subjective tinnitus can involve various treatment strategies, including sound therapy, counselling, and in some cases, medication.

Dealing with Pulsatile Tinnitus

Pulsatile tinnitus is a rhythmic noise that often keeps in tune with the person’s heartbeat. It’s generally caused by blood flow changes in the blood vessels near the ear or increased awareness of blood flow around the ear. This condition may be an indicator of circulatory system disorders that could require medical intervention.

To stand by those battling pulsatile tinnitus, we at Audi Hearing provide bespoke therapies designed to ease this particular manifestation of tinnitus and elevate the quality of your life.

Living with Neurological Tinnitus

To stand by those battling pulsatile tinnitus, we at Audi Hearing provide bespoke therapies designed to ease this particular manifestation of tinnitus and elevate the quality of your life.

The condition frequently tags along with symptoms like hearing loss and bouts of dizziness, making it a formidable adversary to one’s overall sense of well-being.

Somatic Tinnitus: A Sensory Challenge

Somatic tinnitus, linked to the sensory system, often occurs due to central crosstalk within the brain, resulting in the perception of sounds when none exist externally. For individuals dealing with this type, a combination of therapies may be recommended.


It’s crucial to bear in mind that tinnitus is more akin to a warning bell, not a disease unto itself. It’s a multifaceted condition with a multitude of variations, each carrying its own unique potential triggers and possible avenues of treatment.

At Audi Hearing, we’re committed to guiding you on your journey towards better auditory health. Reach out to us today to book an appointment with our hearing specialists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Subjective tinnitus is the most common type, affecting up to 99% of tinnitus patients.

Tinnitus can suddenly start due to various reasons including exposure to loud noise, sudden stress, or as a side effect of certain medications.

While there's currently no scientifically proven cure for tinnitus, many treatment options can help manage the symptoms effectively.

In some cases, tinnitus may resolve on its own. However, if it's caused by an underlying health condition, treatment may be required.

Yes, continuous tinnitus can lead to stress, anxiety, and in some cases, depression.

Types of Tinnitus Read More »

battery last

How Long Do Hearing Aid Batteries Last

One of the critical components of your hearing aid is the battery. These seemingly small components hold a considerable role in your hearing aid’s function and lifespan. At Audi Hearing, we often get asked the question – How long do hearing aid batteries last? The simple answer is that it can vary greatly based on factors such as the hearing aid model, battery type, usage hours, and even the ambient conditions. However, most batteries typically last between three to fourteen days.

Hearing aids, like other modern devices, rely on a power source to function optimally. This piece delves into the intriguing world of hearing aid batteries – their lifespan, what factors play a part in shaping their longevity, and how to make sure you’re squeezing every last bit of juice from them. Let’s jump in and unravel these power-packed nuggets together.

So let’s dive into the world of hearing aid batteries.

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Understanding Hearing Aid Batteries

Hearing aid batteries come in four common sizes: 10, 13, 312, and 675. Each size has its own average lifespan. According to the Australian Government’s Department of Health, over 20% of Australians could benefit from using hearing aids, and knowing the battery lifespan can significantly impact the efficiency of these devices.
  • Size 10 (Yellow): Last for 3-7 days
  • Size 13 (Orange): Last for 6-14 days
  • Size 312 (Brown): Last for 3-10 days
  • Size 675 (Blue): Last for 9-20 days
These durations are averages and may vary based on factors discussed in the next section.

Factors Affecting Battery Life

Several factors can influence the longevity of your hearing aid batteries. By understanding these, you can enhance the life of your hearing aid batteries, which is an essential aspect of hearing aid maintenance.
  • Hearing Aid Type: Different models require different battery sizes. Generally, larger devices require larger batteries, which tend to last longer.
  • Usage: The more frequently you use your hearing aid, the shorter the battery lifespan. Daily use, volume level, and even the type of sounds you listen to can affect battery life.
  • Environment: Batteries tend to drain faster in hot, humid environments. Keep your hearing aids in a cool, dry place when not in use.
  • Storage: Incorrect storage can shorten battery life. Always store batteries at room temperature, and never refrigerate them.

Extending the Life of Hearing Aid Batteries

Here at Audi Hearing, we want to ensure you get the most out of your hearing aid batteries. Following are some simple tips to help maximise battery lifespan.
  • Turn off your hearing aids when not in use.
  • Keep the battery compartment open overnight to let moisture escape.
  • Remove the batteries if you won’t be using your hearing aids for an extended period.
  • Store your batteries properly.

The Role of Technology in Hearing Aid Batteries

Over the years, technological advancements have significantly improved the lifespan of hearing aid batteries. Take, for example, the rise of digital hearing aids. These little marvels are not just a technological triumph, but they’re also champions of energy efficiency, giving your batteries a big leg-up in the longevity department. Moreover, the development of rechargeable hearing aids, such as those offered at Audi Hearing, means you no longer need to worry about frequently changing batteries. Rather, you have the convenience of recharging your device akin to how you power up your mobile phone or laptop. This approach not only simplifies the usage of hearing aids but also aligns with a more eco-conscious lifestyle, making a small yet significant contribution to our planet.

The Importance of Quality Batteries

Another crucial aspect to ponder upon is the intrinsic quality of the batteries. You see, not all batteries are born equal. While it may seem insignificant, choosing to spend a bit more on superior quality batteries can make a notable difference. This seemingly modest investment can work wonders in extending the life of your batteries. Ultimately, it’s about squeezing every drop of value from your hearing aids, making sure they serve as your reliable connection to the vibrant world around you for as long as possible. At Audi Hearing, we offer a range of high-quality batteries that are designed to provide consistent power and longer life. They also reduce the risk of damage to your hearing aids caused by battery leakage, which can be an issue with cheaper batteries.

A Word on Battery Safety

While chatting about batteries, it’s of paramount importance to acknowledge the potential safety risks associated with their size. Hearing aid batteries, due to their petite size, can pose a significant choking hazard, especially to inquisitive little ones and curious pets. Taking heed from the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, it’s highly recommended to always stow your batteries somewhere that’s beyond the reach of children and pets. And when the time comes to part ways with your old batteries, it’s crucial to send them off responsibly. It’s about taking that extra step to make sure they’re disposed of properly, keeping safety front and centre for everyone involved. Moreover, swallowing a battery can lead to serious health complications. If you even remotely suspect that a battery has been swallowed, time is of the essence. It’s absolutely crucial to reach out for immediate medical assistance without any delay. Above all else, your safety and well-being take precedence. If there is any suspicion of a battery being swallowed, it is imperative to seek immediate professional assistance. Don’t hesitate to reach out for the necessary help to ensure your health is safeguarded. For further information or guidance, you can look towards the Australian Government’s Poisons Information Centre, which serves as a valuable resource in such situations.

Recycling Your Hearing Aid Batteries

When it comes to disposing of used hearing aid batteries, it’s essential to remember that they should not be thrown in the regular trash. Batteries contain harmful chemicals that can be damaging to the environment. Instead, you should take your used batteries to a recycling facility. Many local councils, retail outlets, and of course, our Audi Hearing centres offer battery recycling services. For more information on where you can recycle your batteries, check out the Australian Government’s Recycling Near You website.

The Future of Hearing Aid Batteries

Looking to the future, we can expect even more advancements in hearing aid batteries. Already, we’re seeing the development of longer-lasting disposable batteries and more efficient rechargeable models. Some companies are even exploring the potential of solar-powered hearing aids. No matter what twists and turns the future might throw at us, we at Audi Hearing pledge to remain at the cutting edge of these technological advancements. Our foremost commitment at Audi Hearing is to arm our valued clients with nothing but the absolute best in hearing aid technology. At Audi Hearing, we’re not just about delivering solutions – we’re about bringing the latest and greatest to your doorstep. We’re always on the lookout for industry breakthroughs and cutting-edge technologies to give our clients the absolute best that the world of hearing aids has to offer.


The question, “How long do hearing aid batteries last?” may seem straightforward, but as we’ve seen, the answer can depend on many factors. From the type of hearing aid and battery to the way you use and care for your device, all these can significantly impact battery life. Here at Audi Hearing, we’re dedicated to going above and beyond. It’s not just about offering top-notch hearing aids; it’s about empowering our clients with comprehensive knowledge to truly optimize their device experience. We believe that equipping you with the right information is just as important as providing the best hearing aids on the market. Whether it’s understanding battery life or exploring the latest in hearing aid technology, we’re here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically, hearing aid batteries last between three to fourteen days, depending on various factors, such as hearing aid model, usage, and environmental conditions.

Typically, hearing aid batteries last between three to fourteen days, depending on various factors, such as hearing aid model, usage, and environmental conditions.

Always store your batteries at room temperature. Avoid hot, humid areas, and do not refrigerate them.

Turn off your hearing aids when not in use, keep the battery compartment open overnight, and remove the batteries if you won't be using your hearing aids for an extended period.

Usually, you'll hear a beep or experience a decrease in sound quality. However, it's always a good idea to have a regular battery change schedule.

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Which Hearing Aids Are Free

Which Hearing Aids Are Free for Pensioners

At Audi Hearing, we understand how critical hearing is to your quality of life. In Australia, various programs and schemes provide free hearing aids to eligible pensioners. In this article, we delve into the brands and types of hearing aids that are free for pensioners, alongside the eligibility criteria and application process.

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The Australian Government Hearing Services Program

The Australian Government Hearing Services Program (HSP) provides eligible persons with access to a range of hearing services. These include comprehensive hearing assessments, various types of hearing aids, and maintenance services. 

Eligibility for Free Hearing Aids

To access the free hearing aids provided under the HSP, you must meet specific eligibility criteria. These include holding a Pensioner Concession Card, receiving certain Centrelink payments, or being a dependent of a person in one of these categories. To truly grasp your eligibility for free hearing aids, it’s crucial to familiarise yourself with the specific requirements. A thorough rundown of these prerequisites can be conveniently accessed on the Department of Health’s website. It’s a valuable tool that can shed light on all the essential information to ascertain whether you fit the eligibility conditions.

Brands and Types of Hearing Aids

Under the HSP, a wide array of hearing aids from various brands such as Oticon, Siemens, and Phonak are available at no cost to eligible pensioners. These devices range from behind-the-ear models to invisible in-the-canal units.

Application Process

Applying for the HSP isn’t as daunting as it might seem. It involves filling out an application form that can be conveniently found and downloaded from the Office of Hearing Services website. Once completed, the journey towards improved hearing can begin.

It’s crucial to acknowledge the pervasive nature of hearing loss within our communities. Fresh statistics from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare bring to light a concerning reality: more than 70% of Australians aged 70 and over are coping with some measure of hearing impairment. This data clearly indicates the widespread occurrence of hearing issues within our elderly demographic.

This fact underscores the prevalence of hearing impairment within our senior population.

Hence, it is more important than ever to ensure we’re taking proactive steps towards effective hearing solutions. Consequently, the availability of free hearing aids is crucial in maintaining their quality of life.

Exploring the Hearing Aid Options

At Audi Hearing, we stock a variety of hearing aids that cover different degrees of hearing loss, from mild to severe. We understand the unique needs of each individual, hence we ensure that all of our hearing aids, whether they are free for eligible pensioners under the HSP or otherwise, are of the highest quality.At Audi Hearing, our friendly and expert team is eager to assist you every step of the way. They’ll walk you through the wide array of options available, detail the strengths and drawbacks of each device, and work alongside you to identify the hearing aid that is the optimal match for your unique circumstances.

Take, for example, the dependable behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids. These are often favoured because of their hard-wearing nature, adaptability, and their simple upkeep routine. Their robust design, coupled with their simplicity to clean, make them an ideal choice for individuals dealing with a wide spectrum of hearing loss levels.  In contrast, in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids are more discreet and provide a natural listening experience by utilising the ear’s anatomy.

The Impact of Hearing Loss

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, a staggering 3.8 million Australians grapple with some form of hearing loss. It’s essential to understand that hearing loss affects more than just our physical health. This condition can take a significant toll on lifestyle, spawning feelings of being socially disconnected, increasing the risk of depression, raising safety issues, causing mobility restrictions, and potentially leading to income reductions and limited employment prospects.

Hearing aids can help alleviate these problems by improving hearing and speech comprehension, thereby enhancing the ability to communicate and participate more fully in daily activities. They can also increase safety by allowing the wearer to hear alarms, warning sounds, and telephones.

Maintaining Your Hearing Aid

The Department of Health recommends regular maintenance of your hearing aid for optimal performance. This includes daily cleaning, regular service, and battery replacement.

At Audi Hearing, we not only provide free hearing aids to eligible pensioners but also offer comprehensive aftercare services to ensure your hearing aid remains in top condition. These include professional cleaning, adjustments, repairs, and helpful advice on daily care and troubleshooting.

The Benefits of Professional Assistance

While the HSP provides free hearing aids for eligible pensioners, professional advice and assistance can significantly improve the hearing aid experience. At Audi Hearing, our experienced audiologists can help you with everything from selecting the right hearing aid and fitting it correctly to understanding how to use it effectively.

Navigating the world of hearing aids can be daunting, but our team is committed to making this journey as smooth and beneficial as possible for you. We provide in-depth information about various models, brands, and features of hearing aids. In addition, we offer ongoing support and care long after your hearing aid has been fitted.

Living with Hearing Aids

Transitioning to life with hearing aids can be a gradual process, but the benefits it brings to your daily life are enormous. Initially, you may experience a period of adjustment as you learn to interpret the new sounds you’re hearing. Don’t be disheartened if everything seems overly loud at first – your brain will adapt over time.

Furthermore, modern hearing aids from brands like Oticon, Siemens, and Phonak available through the HSP come with advanced features that can help you customise your hearing experience. These include directional microphones, noise reduction technology, and even wireless connectivity to your smartphone or TV. Our Audi Hearing professionals are available to guide you in utilising these features effectively.

Future Technological Advancements

Technology in the field of audiology is rapidly advancing. Australia is at the forefront of these developments with institutions such as the Australian Hearing Hub spearheading research in hearing and speech sciences.

In the future, we can look forward to even more sophisticated hearing aids that provide improved sound quality, greater comfort, increased functionality, and more seamless integration with other digital devices. Rest assured, at Audi Hearing, we will keep you updated on all these advancements and how they can benefit you. Also you can book your hearing services online.


We understand how crucial good hearing is to maintaining a high quality of life. We believe that everyone, including pensioners, should have access to quality hearing aids. Therefore, we are dedicated to helping eligible pensioners navigate the HSP to get their free hearing aids.

Whether you need help choosing a hearing aid, understanding how to use it, or caring for it, our team at Audi Hearing is here to assist. If you have any queries or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are eager to help you on your journey to better hearing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Several brands, including Oticon, Siemens, and Phonak, are available under the HSP.

Various types ranging from behind-the-ear to invisible in-the-canal units are available under the HSP.

You can apply through the Office of Hearing Services website.

The eligibility criteria include holding a Pensioner Concession Card, receiving certain Centrelink payments, or being a dependent of a person in one of these categories. Check the eligibility guidelines for more details.

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Do Hearing Aids Help Tinnitus

Do Hearing Aids Help Tinnitus?

At Audi Hearing, we regularly receive enquiries about how hearing aids might aid in managing tinnitus. The reality is, hearing aids can significantly alleviate tinnitus symptoms in certain situations.In a noteworthy study commissioned by the Department of Health in Australia, it was found that nearly 60% of individuals living with tinnitus experienced a measure of ease upon integrating hearing aids into their routine. This demonstrates the real-life impact of hearing aids in making the journey with tinnitus a bit more comfortable.

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Even more promising, about 22% experienced significant relief, underscoring the potential of hearing aids in managing tinnitus. This article aims to explore the connection between hearing aids and tinnitus relief in greater depth.

Hearing aids, especially those equipped with tinnitus maskers, can serve a dual purpose – augmenting hearing ability while also helping to manage tinnitus. Hearing aids accomplish this by boosting the volume of ambient noises. These amplified sounds act as a sort of auditory camouflage, ‘masking’ the persistent tinnitus noise and redirecting the wearer’s focus away from the unwelcome buzz of tinnitus.

How Does Tinnitus Work?

Rather than being a standalone medical condition, tinnitus is more like an alarm bell, hinting at an underlying issue. This could be anything from age-related hearing loss or an ear injury, right through to a disorder in the circulatory system. It’s an audiological and neurological response that’s often a symptom of something else going on in the body or mind.

It typically presents as a phantom ringing, buzzing, roaring, clicking, hissing, or humming noise in the ears, which can be a mild annoyance for some, and severely distressing for others.

The Australian Tinnitus Association estimates that approximately 1 in 10 Australians suffer from tinnitus to some degree. A significant portion of these individuals also have some degree of hearing loss.

The Role of Hearing Aids in Tinnitus Management

Hearing aids can play a critical role in managing tinnitus, particularly for those who also have hearing loss. By amplifying external sounds, hearing aids can help the brain focus more on external sounds rather than the internal noise of tinnitus. The outcome is often a reduction in the perceived loudness and severity of tinnitus.

Modern Hearing Aids and Tinnitus Maskers

The latest hearing aids often come with built-in tinnitus maskers. These devices generate a ‘white noise’ that effectively masks the annoying symptoms of tinnitus. This approach can significantly improve the quality of life for those living with this condition.

Understanding Tinnitus Better

The first step in understanding how hearing aids can help manage tinnitus symptoms is to comprehend what tinnitus is. In essence, it’s the perception of sound when no actual external noise is present. Tinnitus sounds can have different pitches and occur in one or both ears.

These phantom noises can disrupt your focus, impede your sleep, and, in extreme cases, affect your mental health. Beyond Blue, an esteemed mental health institution in Australia, notes a significant finding: tinnitus frequently manifests as a common symptom among individuals grappling with anxiety and depression. This revelation highlights the intertwined nature of our mental wellbeing and auditory experiences.

The Link Between Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

Hearing loss and tinnitus often go hand in hand. The National Acoustic Laboratories, a renowned cornerstone in Australian audiological research, highlights a compelling statistic: over half of individuals with hearing loss are also wrestling with some shade of tinnitus. This dual occurrence is far from rare, signalling a distinct correlation between hearing loss and tinnitus.

The reason behind this is that when your brain doesn’t receive enough sound stimuli, it can sometimes fill in the gaps with phantom sounds. With the aid of a hearing device, your brain receives a richer, more natural symphony of sounds. This auditory diversity serves as a helpful distraction, gently steering your attention away from the persistent noise of tinnitus.

The Science Behind How Hearing Aids Help Tinnitus

Hearing aids can be a part of an effective treatment plan for tinnitus in several ways. For starters, they enhance your hearing ability by amplifying the sounds around you. By enriching your auditory environment with amplified sounds, hearing aids draw your brain’s focus away from the tinnitus noise. It’s like turning up the lights in a room and reducing the noticeability of a faint, unwelcome flicker.

What’s more, hearing aids can ease the often-exhausting effort of straining to hear, making it simpler and more enjoyable for you to engage in your favourite activities. No more pretending to laugh at unheard punchlines or nodding along to inaudible anecdotes.

This can profoundly enhance your overall quality of life, while simultaneously helping you to manage the stress and anxiety that often come as unwelcome companions of tinnitus.

Tinnitus Maskers: A Significant Feature in Modern Hearing Aids

Many modern hearing aids are equipped with built-in tinnitus maskers, creating what is referred to as ‘white noise’ or therapeutic noise. This feature is particularly useful for people whose tinnitus symptoms are more noticeable in quiet environments. The masker fills in the silence with a constant, unobtrusive sound that helps to distract your brain from the sound of tinnitus.

Customizing Your Hearing Aids for Tinnitus Management

At Audi Hearing, we offer an extensive selection of hearing aids that can be customized according to your specific hearing needs. Our team of experienced audiologists, completely dedicated to your hearing health, will conduct thorough hearing assessments. These evaluations aim to map out the extent of your hearing loss and gauge the intensity of your tinnitus symptoms. It’s a critical step towards understanding your unique situation and tailoring a fitting solution.

Based on these evaluations, we will then recommend hearing aids that are best suited to your personal situation. Additionally, we will ensure that your hearing aids are accurately programmed to provide maximum tinnitus relief and optimal hearing function.

Taking the First Step

When you feel prepared to embark on the journey of managing your tinnitus, reaching out for professional guidance is a crucial first stride. Our experts at Audi Hearing are just a call away to help you navigate this path with confidence and expertise.

Audiologists at Audi Hearing are well-versed in the latest tinnitus management strategies, including the use of hearing aids and tinnitus maskers.

We invite you to read more about tinnitus management on our website. You can also visit our resource centre for a wealth of information on hearing health topics, including hearing aids, tinnitus, and more.

Living with Tinnitus

Navigating life with tinnitus can sometimes feel like a steep uphill climb. However, with the right helping hand and tailored treatment approach, the journey becomes a lot more manageable. You can indeed reclaim a sense of normalcy and productivity.

Hearing aids might not have the magic wand to wave away tinnitus entirely, but they wield significant power in diminishing its disruptive influence on your everyday life. They help you shift your attention away from the bothersome noise, allowing you to concentrate more on what genuinely brings you joy and fulfillment.

Remember, everyone’s experience with tinnitus is different.

That’s why at Audi Hearing, we focus on providing personalized treatment plans for our clients. Together, we can find a solution that helps you manage your tinnitus effectively and regain control over your life.


Dealing with tinnitus can be challenging, but you don’t have to suffer in silence. At Audi Hearing, we’re dedicated to helping you find the most effective solutions for managing your symptoms. Whether you’re interested in hearing aids with tinnitus maskers or other forms of relief, we’re here to assist.

Take the first step towards managing your tinnitus by booking an appointment with us today. Our unwavering commitment at Audi Hearing is to empower our clients to regain the reins of their hearing health and elevate their quality of life. We’re your steadfast companions on this journey, accompanying you at each step. Our ultimate aim is to ensure that you live your life to its fullest potential, free from the constraints posed by any hearing challenges. We’re here for you, always. Visit our hearing services for more information. 

Frequently Asked Questions

While hearing aids can't cure tinnitus, they can help manage and alleviate the symptoms, making daily life more comfortable.

Absolutely. At Audi Hearing, we offer a trial period for our hearing aids, allowing you to experience the benefits firsthand.

A tinnitus masker is a device that generates a 'white noise' to help mask or distract from the tinnitus sound. Some modern hearing aids include this feature.

You can book an appointment with one of our audiologists to discuss your needs and find the best hearing solution for you. Visit our appointment page to book your slot.

Many health insurance policies provide coverage for hearing aids.

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